Gorgeous Stranger - Chapter 19: We WILL Get Through This

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There will be at least 4 or 5 more chapters after this, then it's over. D: wahhhhhh. this chapter, is kind of confusing, but just go with it. xD Haha

I hope this makes up for the short chapter. :D

   I look directly into Keegan's eyes, and it must have been an intense stare because he flinched back. But, his gaze was still locked on mine. I don't nor want to accept Keegan now that the truth has come to light. But I think that I will, and have to because, he is still my mate, and will always be. I might just have to accept the brutal truth, even if it means mockery of our pack, if anyone ever found out. 

   But right now, I just want to be wrapped up in his arms. I don't care if he was born into the same generation and or family. I just want him. All of him, forever and always. I don't care if he doesn't want me, I just want to know that we can still be friends. Even if it means we talk to each other rarely. Just friends. I fix my gaze even more heavily on him, then look towards the door, and back at him. I slip my rainbow tye-dye slippers on, and walk out the door. 

   I walk all the way across Faron County before I am stopped at McGregory County's Forest Trail, by the Moonshine Pack's Beta. I was trying to enter there pack's hunting ground, which I know is wrong. But, I am trying to see the Alpha. I try to walk past, but my arm is grabbed by the Beta and I am flung at least 3 feet away from the forest trail. 

   I get up and sigh. "I need to see Alpha Carter. I was notified a couple days ago that he took in a banned pack member of ours. I would like to see him. I am of no harm to you, or your pack. Thanks." I say harshly and push past the 6'6 Beta. With muscles like a body builder on steroids. He was hesitant to let me past, but he did. 

   I walked the 6 mile hike, to their pack house. By the time it was in eye view, I was ready to go and sleep forever. There was laughing, crying, singing, and dancing. I felt happy. I hadn't a clue as to why I felt this way, just the feel of this place made me want to be happy. I walked up to the house, and knocked on the door. 

   I was nervous the see Kole, I missed him so much. He might not remember much from that night. But, I remember every second of it. 


   I had just came from my Senior pictures, and Kole was sitting on a bench with his hands over his face. Being the kindhearted person that I am I walked over to my sad best friend, sat on the bench beside him, gave him a big hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked at him. "Wow big man, you look like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders. What's wrong, Koley?" I asked him. 

   He just looked over at me with a tear stained face, and sighed. "Well Rhi, I was walking out of school and got a very depressing phone call. It's about Ma, she's in the hospital. She got attacked by a Wolf. My brother says, she is on her last minutes." He explained. I nodded, and then became confused. 

   "Then why are you sitting here, on this bench talking to me. Instead of there with her, when she is on her last couple of breaths?" I asked in complete confusion. He just looked up at the sky, and wiped his tears. 

   "Because I can't watch my Mother die. I wouldn't be the same." He said, looking at the ground. I stood up, and pulled him up with me. 

   "Can I take you somewhere?" I asked him. He nodded and I pulled him to my car. We were almost there when I heard a "HEY RHIANNA!" I turned around to see Keegan rushing towards us with a huge smirk.

   "What do you want, Keegatron?" I asked with a smile. He looked at me and rolled his eyes, and the second grade nickname I gave him. 

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