Gorgeous Stranger - Chapter 20: Running With Rogues

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 I walked away with my head held high. When on the inside, I was crying, I was hurt, I felt alone. I didn't walk back to my house instead I crossed over our packs territory mark. I walked into a town that had no pack, which meant no trouble. Well that was what I thought before an unfimilar scent hit my nose.

   I hurriedly walked into the diner. I sat down in the very back. The unfamiliar scent that hit my nose; Rogues. Rogues are what killed Keegan's parents. I know that for sure, because he told me. He told me hours after it happened. Then he missed like 4 weeks of school. Most likely it was him becoming the new Alpha of the pack. But every time I called him, he answered. He kept saying that the funeral was in Greece with far away relatives. But, I knew it was a lie. I just had this .. feeling. Feeling of something-something I didn't know about-that was happening. 

   I smelt as the scent of the Rogues got uncomfortably closer. I shuffled wanting to get up and out before they sensed my presence to. Or maybe they already had, that's why they were progressing towards me. I was about to get up, when I realized, "I am Luna. I need not be afraid of Rogues."  I waved the waitress over. She came over with a huge smile. I smiled back, and ordered a coffee. She nodded and asked, "Cream?" I nodded and she smiled once more and walked away.

   "Woah, Luna alert." I heard an unfamiliar voice say behind me. I turned around and that's then the scent hit me. The Rogues sat in the booth I was seated at. There was 3 males. No females. I felt awfully uncomfortable. The waitress came over with my coffee and looking at each of the males and then at me. Basically asking me if I was okay. I slowly nodded and she gave an uneasy smile and walked away. "Thank you!" I called after her. She turned and nodded. Then gave each of the men one last-long-glare. 

   "So, here to kill me? Rape me? Kidnap me for money from my pack? What do you want?" I asked as if I was asking about the weather. The first one that spoke was also the one that gave the 'Luna Alert'. 

   "If you insist." He said, and was about to get up before the Rogue closest to him slapped him in the back of the head.

   "Sit down, Willis. You don't know what you're doing, fool!" The Rogue said to, Willis, the guy beside him. I looked at them both and suppressed laughter.

   "Well then, I needed to ask a favor. I noticed there was Rogues that were so close to my territory. I am having a bad time with my pack, and I recently found out some news, that I want nothing to be apart of, and seeing is how if our Alpha or Beta sniff your presence, you will be eliminated. So .." I let the sentence hang in the air.

   "We sensed someone of power nearby, and wanted to find out what was up. So ..?" The Rogue that slapped Willis said. I looked at them all and looked back out toward my territory line before taking a deep breath.

    "I want to become a Rogue.." I said. I had realized that Kole was no longer there for me. I kicked him out of my life. Keegan, well, I didn't want him to be there for me. Which in all this awkwardness, I didn't think he wanted to either. I wouldn't blame him. Plus, Liz and Carson are moving on with there lives, not going to be around as much. Also, Rosie and Triton were thinking of moving out to their own house somewhere in Carson's territory. My Mother and Father were probably going to go back into hiding, and I had nobody left. Nobody. I felt utterly alone.

   The Rogues that sat in front of me looked as if the air had just been knocked out of them. They had exasperated looks on their faces, which made me want to laugh even more. The Rogue-Willis-looked at my face, as if trying to solve a puzzle. "You haven't been marked? Because I can't sense it." Everything snapped into reality. Keegan hadn't marked me. Keegan hadn't marked me? Keegan hadn't marked me! Well, then nobody will ever know that I had a mate then, huh? It feels like in some way, I am rejecting him. I am leaving him. I know that for sure. I Rhianna Hunter am leaving Keegan Grundy. I officially stated in my mind.

   "My mate, well, my ex-mate, he never did. With him being Alpha, you would thi-"

   "You're mated to the Alpha?"

   "Not anymore. Can you hear well?" I asked and giggled a bit. The Rogues stared at me. "What?"

   "You are going to leave an Alpha? To run wild and free in the woods? Where you could get captured and killed, if you accidentally stepped into another packs territory?" Willis asked. I sighed and nodded.

   "Yes. Yes. And I am willing to take that risk." I stated, answering his questions in chronilogical order. 

   "Badass." I heard Willis mutter.

   "Anyway, why are you guys here, so close to a packs territory anyway? And what is you're names? I feel rude not knowing." I said while looking out the window. Thinking about how much my life is going to change. 

   I mean these Rogues aren't so bad looking. Willis, he is about 6'1-and tallest of the group-off the ground with black hair and brown eyes. He is built like a body builder on steroids. I mean buff wouldn't even be able to describe his body. Then there is the one closest to him, that smacked the back of his head. He was about 5'10-shortest of the group-and had blonde hair and brown eyes. Chocolate brown, which consumed me. I couldn't stop staring at his eyes, whenever he attracted my gaze. Then there was the mystery Rogue who hadn't spoken the whole time. His gaze was intense. It was focused on nothing, but me. And when I say nothing, I mean, I don't think he even blinked. But he stood about 5'11. With light blonde hair and forest green eyes. Electrifyingly green eyes. 

   The one sitting closest to Willis stood and out stretched his hand saying, "Layton, 24. At your service ma'am." I took his hand and shook it. Giving him a nod.

   Willis then stood holding out his hand toward me. "Willis, ma'am, 21." He said. I shook his hand and gave him a nod and smile. 

   Then the mystery man stood, out stretched his hand and didn't take his gaze off me. "Heath, 18." He said, with a masculine voice. Some what of .. lust? I shook the thoughts out of my head and turned back towards Heath. He was the same age as me. I had turned 18  I shook his hand and all color drained from my face. I directed my attention towards the men and said-regaining the courage to talk, "Well, now that I know you I must be letting you know me too. My name is Rhianna and I am 18." I said with a friendly smile shot at Willis and Layton. I totally ignored Heath. I had to. 

   Then Heath stood and pulled at Willis' arm. He was wanting to get up. Willis pushed Layton out of the booth and Heath was now storming away with his hands clentched tight. Kole, Keegan, my parents, my brother, and now Heath? Man, I lose more friends then the Lowes Companies Inc. was losing money from it's stock. 

   I looked at Layton and frowned. "What have I done wrong?" I asked. 

   Layton looked at the exit his friend just exited through and then and me, shaking his head. "Hot head. You didn't do anything wrong, Heath was a Beta of a pack. But he accidentally fell, and killed the Alpha's mate. He escaped right before execution, and has been Rogue ever since. He thinks you are ridiculous for wanting to become Rogue." He said, I sighed.

   "It's not his decision, and plus, I think he is my mate." Layton and Willis' mouth formed an 'o'.

          Wow, my life as a Rogue? What could possibly happen?

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