Gorgeous Stranger ~~ Chapter 12: Scared Away

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**Sorry if this chapter is a little boring! I am watching "In Time" and I am in Love with it** Lol! The picture to the Right ~~~~>>> is Rhianna Hunter ;)







Rhianna's P.O.V

   I don't know where I am and I woke up to the sound of snoring and background noise. It is the usual thing that wakes me up in the morning, but this morning is different I have sharp pains all over my stomach. When I take a breath it hurts bad, when I breath out it hurts even worst.

   Keegan was the first one at my side, but my eyes widened and he whimpered and backed into the bathroom. I felt bad because he was my mate and I shouldn't be scared of him like I am. Liz was the second one at my side, she placed a hand on my arm and cooed in my ear. "Calm down Rhi, you are safe. You need to calm down and stop putting more stress on yourself than you need." She was concerned genuinely concerned for me. I had a flashback to when she was the one lying in the bed and I was the one telling her to calm down.

"What's wrong with me Elizabeth!" I whisper shouted. She looked around the room and snapped her fingers at Farrah, she left the room and came back seconds later with clothes. She then walked over to the bathroom door where Keegan was and shoved the clothes under the door. I was breathing frantically and I was sure that if I kept this up I would hyperventilate.

   Five to six minutes later Keegan came barreling out of the door. His eyes were red and puffy as if he had been crying and there was tear stains on is face. I looked at him but he refused to return my gaze. I patted the bed next to me, he came and sat. I looked at Liz and at all of the others and said with a deathly tone of voice slow and quietly, "Get out." As if I flipped a switch they all hauled ass out of the tiny 3 by 7 foot door all together. I turned towards Liz, then towards Keegan. "What the hell is wrong with me? And don't even sugar coat it, tell me what the fuck is wrong." I said, still in a deadly tone.

   Their eyes were wide and their mouth hanging open. I attempted to stand but failed landing in Keegan's arms. He snuggled into my hair and I felt something in my back. I turned around to grab it and throw it. But, when I turned around and tried to grab it ..... it was connected .... to Keegan. I turned around and widened my eyes and screamed, "KEEGAN! What the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you acting so strange along with all of the other males?! Now I want answers because you just got a boner from snuggling with me! What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong!" Liz grabbed my arm and pulled me off of Keegan. She turned me towards her and said, "No sugar coating right?" I nodded and she sighed. "Rhianna you were pregnant and you had a miscarriage from all of the stress and moving around you did. All of the pain you put on you body from blocking Keegan's thoughts out, all of the pain and stress from shifting. It killed the baby." My eyes immediately had tears and they were streaming down my face. My voice came out muffled and in squeaks. My heart caught on fire and my stomach twisted up. I felt like I was going to vomit, but couldn't. My legs turned to jelly and I fell to the floor. I finally found my voice and screamed. I didn't stop screaming, from all of the pain in my side, all of the news about me basically killing my child, about my pack being hurt so severally from my absence, from ... from everything bad I have done, I screamed, I screamed my heart out. I have abandoned everybody ... twice. I am such a horrid Luna, I am a horrible mate to Keegan, a horrible daughter a horrible sister. A horrible person.

   I felt hands on my waist, but I cried harder and screamed louder. I wanted to die, I wanted to walk away. I wanted to-but no I didn't I love Keegan, I love my brother and parents. I love my pack. I love being Luna, I love the responsibility. I hate that I have made such horrible decisions though. I hate that it was my fault I lost mine and Keegan's baby.

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