**Author's Note... ** :)

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   Okay lovelies ... I thought about it and I am NOT, I repeat, I AM NOT, making a sequel or sequel (s) to this story. I have thought of a great twist at the end. So this is going to be ONE and only ONE book!

   I thought that this could be a on-going type of book, but I thought of a great great twist of events for the end! So in case you were wondering, there is going to be 20 or 25 max chapters left. I think that I will make some privet BECAUSE I think that it is just fair. -_o Do you understand? If not, I am sorry. D';. Being the author I think it is best to make decision's that are good for my books. :O This one in particular, because it is my favorite so far ... :)

   ************** REMINDER **********************

5 VOTES and 5 COMMENTS before my next update and it is going to be a good one! :D Ther is going to be NOOOOOOOOOO Rhianna P.O.V !! It will mostly be the catch up on the pack and how the issues I listed in Chapter 11: Put Your Arms Around Me & I'm Home. Incase you forgot .... :

 """""""Problems To Solve:

Nathan - His mate (Marcelia) shuns him and acts as if she doesn't like him.

Farrah - Her mate is Toby, but she is scared he doesn't like her.

Timothy - His mate is nowhere to be found and he is scared she has been killed or she left.

Toby - He loves Farrah, he thinks that she doesn't like him.

Gavin - He thinks that his mate (Nicolette) won't be faithful. He thinks she doesn't love him like he loves her.

Nicolette - Her mate (Gavin) Refuses to mark her as his mate. So basically not moving forward.

Bridgette - Has no mate, hasn't even met half of the pack, Newbie.

Marcelia - She does like Nathan, just he is to immature and she won't except him for who he is.

Marcus - His mate is in California, she rejected him. But, she will be coming back because they have been mind-linking, she is falling in love with him. But, Marcus is starting to fall in love with Liz. **Side Note -- WHAT THE FUCK!!!**

**Zonnya -- She hates her mate Kimono. Says they will never see eye to eye. Never mate, just hate.

**Kimono -- He hates his mate Zonnya. Says they will never be mates, over his dead body. """"""

   Those are the problems that will be updated in the chapters to COME! There will be most pack P.O.V's, some Triton, some Rose, a little little bit of Keegan, and like a paragraph of Liz. . . . .

  WHELP MY LOVELIES ...... that's allllllll I had to say! :) HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!

J'espère que vous avez apprécié mes histoires jusqu'à présent! Parce qu'il ya tellement plus à venir dans le futur! À tous mes fidèles lecteurs qui apprécient mon écriture .... Tout un tas! Je vous aime tous, et merci à vous!

** TRANSLATION ** (I hope that you have enjoyed my stories so far! Because there's so much more to come in the future! To all of my loyal readers that ENJOY my writing .... A  WHOLE BUNCH ! I love you all, and thank you!)

Gorgeous Stranger [COMPLETED!]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora