Gorgeous Stranger - Chapter 19: What Should I Say

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SORRY IT IS SHORT! It is still a good chapter nontheless just super short!! D: SORRIEEE

(Rhianna's P.O.V)

   "I AM GONIG INSANE!" My brother, Triton, yelled. I looked once more in shock and disgust at Keegan. I just couldn't believe the news that my mother had just spilt. It made me sick inside and outside. I don't think I can ever take back any of the stuff we did together. If I could I would, I just-ugh! It is so .. unnatural. How could destiny put Keegan and me together? How and .. why? 

   My brain was trying to process all of it, and my body felt like it was dying from the inside out. How could it happen? I mean, he is Keegan. I am Rhianna. He is the Alpha, and I am an Omega, how could me and him even happen? My brother is a Beta, and my mother is a ... well, my mother was a Delta.

   I peice everything back together, and hear my brother's distant screaming. Well, screams of him actually becoming crazy. I get up and shoot my mother and father a look saying, 'you could have explained a lot sooner.' And ran out of the door. "TRITON! GET YOUR CRAZY WOLF ASS OVER HERE!" I screamed. He looked towards me and started running towards me. Fast. I stopped him just before he crashed into me, and I smacked him in the face not one, not two, but three times. Repeatedly yelling, 'Get yourself together soldier.' He nodded and took a deep breath and thanked me for and I quote, 'Knocking sense back into me.' 

   I nudge him with my elbow and point towards the house. "Dude, you're not crazy. Mum and Dad are seriously inside. They lied, to us, to our family, and to everyone. Go in there and scream a storm. Oh, and don't be too shy about Keegan. He is family."

(A.N. I put in "Oh, and don't be too shy about Keegan. He is family,"  for a reason. For those of you who read chapter 18, do you know what I did there? Haha. For those of you confused, fan me and read chapter 18, you will need to, to be able to understand the rest of this novel. :) Thanks, -Kellie)

   Triton looked at me wide eyed. "T-those two in there are the people who brought us into the world? THOSE two?" He asked, as if he didn't want to see them. As if he agree's with me when I told Mum and Dad we were better off without them. I nodded and he huffed. I walked back to the house with him. He shot me a look that said, 'Pathetic.' Then he layed into our parents about how abandoning your children is pathetic and idiotic. Then he said that they didn't have any right to what-so-ever. And all my parents did was go 'Mhm' and nod their heads, to everything he called them, said to them, and threw at them. 

It as quite the show.

   Well, ever since what my mother told me, I have been on the eerie side of things. Why would the Universe put me and Keegan together if we were ... that? I mean, it is stupid. Does the Universe want an Omega and a Alpha together, who are y'know .. that? It is crazy!? Sometimes I just want to kiss the ground, and bid the Universe a good luck, I am telling you.

   After Triton's rant. He huffed for a couple minutes and then asked, "So. How are you two?" Bi-polar much? I asked myself, pulling at the ends of my tangled hair. Then Keegan stepped away from the wall that for some reason, in which is a really hard to process reason, became his best friend. He said, "Bipolar much, Triton?" Hot damn, maybe I know now why the Universe set us up, it isn't because of how we were born, or who we were born from, or where. It was because we were and are, so damn right for each other. 

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