Gorgeous Stranger ~~ Chapter 10 : Fascinating

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Triton's P.O.V


  I watched the girl I love sleep in my arms. She is so peaceful, I am so sorry what happened, only if I knew. She wouldn't tell me, neither would Rhianna. I was slightly agitated with both of them for keeping this from me. I didn't care though, as long as my beautiful Rosie is okay. She shifted her head in my lap, my breath hitched because her face was right next to my manhood, touching it slightly. She was driving me insane, she was taunting and flaunting, one day I am just going to lose it with her. I cannot lose myself while under the same house as Carson, my Alpha. It would be uncomfortable, plus my sister and her mate was here. And Keegan also is an Alpha. plus, Liz, she seemed scared of me. Why? I don't know, I will talk to her while Keegan and Carson go discuss the packs, and business they needed to immediately handle once they got back. But, right now Rosie has all of my attention. She deserved it, her and me will be mated, fully. I mean, Keegan and Rhianna have already mated, which I was not very happy to discover. Because she is still in high school and she could have gotten pregn-, I can't even finish. Makes me shiver thinking about it.

   I watched as Keegan walked down the stairs, I startled him when he noticed I wasn't asleep. I chuckled softly, not wanting to wake my precious angel. "Triton, you're still up, huh?" I heard him ask while pouring a glass of milk and putting it in the microwave. I knew immediately it was for Rhianna, she always got up late in the night and made herself a cup of heated milk. But, since Keegan was being nice and a gentlemen, she took advantage, probably not wanting to walk. Can you spell lazy? Ha ha, same 'ole same 'ole. I nodded and looked at the sleeping Rosie in my lap.

"Well, this one fell asleep and is next to ya know, and I don't want to fall asleep and her move funny and the beast wake up. Ya know?" Keegan and I both chuckled. He knew exactly what I was talking about. He walked over and looked down at her in my lap, he was holding the cup of now hot milk in his hand. He walked away and shook his head, but turned around before walking up the stairs. 

"I know, Rhi does it all the time." He winked and ran up the stairs I growled and threw a pillow at him, catching him laugh harder. But, I just laughed it of to. Rosie stirred and rose up. She put her hand against her head, and rubbed her eyes. 

"Aw, what going on?" She had tired eyes and was looking at me with her eyes narrowed from the dim light in the room. I wrapped her in my arms and turned her to where she was straddling me. 

"Nothing, I just had a decent chat with Keegan, I ended up throwing a pillow at him. Nothing is wrong. He just said something no brother wants to know about their sisters sex life." I heard a  chuckle coming from upstairs, making me growl again. But, I looked at Rosie, she was laughing right along with Keegan. I thought I heard Rhi's laugh somewhere in there to. I just shrugged it off though, earning a grunt from Rosie. She got up and sat in a chair away from the couch I was sitting on. In return, making me put on a pout face. She just smiled and flashed her very rarely shown, to die for smile. I laid down, put my legs down, causing my feet do dangle off the edge of the couch, it was funny, because I was a big man trying to squeeze on this little couch. I looked over a Rosie and  smirked. "Well, at least now I can lay down and now worry about getting a bo-," I cut myself off knowing that Rhianna and Keegan were probably all in our conversation. 

   As, I thought, Rhianna came plowing down the stairs and her eyes were wide and her arms were flying everywhere. "PLEASE! Do not utter another word in that sentence! Do not tell me that my big brother was worried about getting a boner while his mate was sleeping in his lap?! OH. MY. GOD! That's totally inappropriate!" She was frantic, and she was slurring her words were flying out of her mouth like rocks flung from sling shots. To put it in English, she was talking extremely fast. She looked over at Rosie, her eyes softened and she came and kissed me on the cheek. Then walked over to Rosie and hugged her and kissed the top of her head, she reassured her in 'girl language' as Rhianna used to put it when she was 10. She was about to walk out of the room, but like Keegan did, she stopped at the foot of the stairs and said, "Do what you need to do, just go somewhere else. Thank you." She smiled and winked at me. Was she trying to speak this 'girl language' with me? I don't understand. But, whatever. I did know, though, that she was giving me permission to leave, and take Rosie with me. I turned towards Rosie, she squealed jumped off the chair and ran towards the door slipping her shoes on and throwing on a jacket. I was in my shoes and a jacket in an instant. Liz and Carson where on a date, where were they at, I looked at the clock, 1:39 in the morning? Hm, Aha, that romantic fool. Got to love him though, like a brother. 

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