Gorgeous Stranger ~~ Chapter 1: New Feelings

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 Picture To The Right Is Keegan (: Enjoy !! (:(:(:(:(:(:(:(::::::::(((((((((((((::::::::::

 [I Dedicated This Chapter To KellyKohler Because She Updated My  Favorite Book !! :)) Thank You !! ))

   He is standing right there. I can't believe he actually found me. Keegan Grundy. He has medium short dark blond hair. He has amazing brown eyes that suck you in, and can't stop starring. He still haunts my nightmare since the day he told me he was a werewolf. From then on he became a stranger to me. A gorgeous, glorious, graceful, What am I doing?! I can't think of Keegan no more then a fellow student. If I do then I might actually become the thing he was talking about. Come on Rhianna think, think, what did he say you were? Oh yeah his 'mate' I don't understand. I don't understand at all.

   Oh shit, I close my eyes for one second and open them and he is gone. What the hell? How does he move so fast. Oh yeah, werewolf forgot. Makes me want to roll my eyes every time I think of it. Like for real? Who does he think he is? I am a human. Right? Dammit, he has me over thinking things. I need to slap him in the face for dragging me into this messed up shit. Like no joke! Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, he is looking at me and walking this way. What to say? What to do? What to think? He is like 10 feet away and getting closer. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Right in front of me.

   He is standing in front of me not saying anything. Creepy much? He finally decides to bring his hand to my face. I flinched. Oh gosh, I am letting him have so much control of this situation. I tear away from his hand. Does he expect for me to drop right into this madness? If so he is the stupidest son-of-a-bitch ever! Do I even want him? Do I care? Of coarse. Of coarse? Of coarse not! "Rhianna, love. Do not fear me. I will not hurt you, even in my deepest darkest dreams." His voice husky and deep. So sexy. What?! Now I am going crazy. And he drove me there. I can't even find my voice to reply to him. Gosh, I am probably looking so stupid right now. Why does he have to go to my school. You would think he would go to some sort of werewolf school ya know? But nope, he goes to Garth Pike High school with me. I dread every day I walk into this school and see him ever since he shifted in front of me, causing me to scream my ass off. 

   I mean wouldn't you? If a werewolf stood right in front of you and told you not to be afraid, wouldn't you be afraid? I would. I finally scraped up the words to say to him. "W-well Keegan, I do not fear you. I do think you are crazy though. I do not believe for a second that you-" I was cut off by a hand clasping to my face hushing me before I could utter another word. I was also pulled out of the school building. Very abruptly, I was outraged. Ha Ha Ha Ha I could never be outraged. It's funny that I thought I could though. I smiled a little. I was also kind of glad I was about to be alone with this boy. Who made it COMPLETELY obvious that he liked me a lot. Was it crazy I liked him to? No, I think it could be my own little secret. 

   I was pushed up against the wall, by a muscular figure pressed up against me. His muscular body, I could feel it through the thin t-shirt he chose to wear to wear that day. He took his hand off my face, I let out a small weak whimper. He stepped off me, but he was still pressed up against me a little. I was glad he did not step completely off me I would have protested. He began to speak, "Rhianna do not ever put my secret on the line like that! You can not just blurt it out whenever like the whole world knows or something! I do not want to have to stitch your mouth closed right?" He asked with a joking smirk on his face. Oh my god, he is so gorgeous. 

"Yeah dude whatever. You are the one who brought me into this fucked up reality anyway!" I said pushing more up against him. 

"Well, I had to! You are my mate Rhianna whether you like it or not!" He said pushing up against me also.

"I do! Also, I don't like your junk grinding against me if you may!" I protested, hoping it would just make him press harder against me. Which it did. 

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