Telling Dad.

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Keller had Charlie drive the Willis so that he could be with me. When I pulled up to the house I froze. Jason and his father were both here. OK I think I know what I'm gonna do. I leaned over and kissed Keller with so much passion I almost changed my mind about asking him to stay outside and wait for me. "Keller do you love me and trust me?" I asked a little scared. " With all my heart and soul. Why what wrong did you change your mind. And who's Caddie is that?" He started rambling on. So I stopped him with a kiss. "No I have not changed my mind. Well no there is nothing wrong Yet. That's why I asked you if you trusted me. And the Coupe belongs to Brad Jason's dad. And since my car is here that means that Jason is also here. And tis the reason why I wanted to ask you to stay our here so I could grab my ring and get out without confrontation. That's why I asked if you trusted me?" He gave me a kiss said. "Yes I trust you. So go and hurry back. And try not to hug or kiss him his smell was all over you today." I kissed him and then ran inside.

When I got inside I called my father and asked him to meet me upstairs pronto. When we were safely lock in my room I asked. "Dad what are they doing here?"

" Honey they can come anytime they want they are gonna be family now. Oops forget I said that. Crap they are gonna kill me. Um !"

"Dad what do you mean they are gonna be family now?" "Uh uh uh hum uh Fine damn it . Jason is gonna ask you to marry him as soon as you get down stairs!. You better not tell them I told you. " " Dad I'm marrying Keller. We are back together. Jason was nothing serious. He was never ment to be my husband. He is and always will be my best friend. I don't feel with him what I feel with Keller. I don't love him like that. I can't be with him dad. I love Keller." My dad looked down at the ground, then back up at me. Then screamed and hooted and hollered. I thought her was gonna kill me but he was ecstatically happy. "Wooohooo I am gonna have a son in law that I actually like. Whoop whoop. Yeah yeah." He was doing a freaky dance while talking. Dad calm down. OK go downstairs tell Jason I need to speak with him, then go outside to the Willis with Charlie and Keller." "Wait you mean he's here yes thank god." My father the 40 year old CRAZY MAN Just ran down stairs like he was a three years old on Christmas morning. Yeah I love my life.

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