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When I walked out of class with Sarah Luke and Keller were there waiting on is . " Hey baby how was your day ?" " Good . " I said kissing him . "Hey Anna banana you don't know how to say hello . " " Hey Luke." I said as we walked to the parking lot . " Wait a minute ." I said stopping in the parking lot . " How did you know where my last class was I didn't tell you my schedule ." " Me silly I heard my off in the whole wide world say . " Jace " I said as dropping my things and running to him . " You should have went with us last night . it was a rocking party. And guess what? " I said a little happy . " I heard about the party last night . " her said looking at Sarah who turned red . " And what my dear am I guessing? " " I didn't drink any alcohol last night ." He made a shocked face that made me laugh. " What girl I'm so proud of you." he said kissing my cheek . I heard someone clear their throat . "Oh Jace this is Keller , be nice he's my new boyfriend ." Keller held his hand out to shake Jason's and Jason screamed " What he's your new boyfriend when were you gonna tell me ?" He jumped up and down . He was mad but not because I had a new boyfriend . He was mad and excited because I didn't tell him . Keller just looked at us smiling . I stopped jumping up and down with Jason so I could run over and kiss Keller . " Are you done being a girl ?"Keller asked . " Yeah !" At the same time he kissed me his phone rang . "Hold on baby let me get that." I walked over to talk to Jason . "Girl you are crazy. When did you guys hook up and are you still taking me home ? " "Last night when I was dancing on the dance floor and yeah. at like 7:30." " Wow " was all he could out before Keller called me . " Hey bay bay ." "Yeah honey ."" You Have a phone call from my mom apparently you to have plans tonight." "Oh crap let me see the phone ." he handed !e the phone . " Hello . yes ma'am . oh really . what OK yeah OK OK yeah OK mom I'll see you in an hour . yes ma'am OK by momma . " I handed him the phone back . " OK well I have plans with mom and Sarah . so who's driving what because I have to drop Jason off like two blocks from here . " Keller looked at Jason and then looked back at me . " OK baby I have your car keys and you have my truck keys right ?" I shook my head yes . " OK well you take Jason in the truck I'll follow you in the car. " then he looked back at Luke and Sarah you guys get in the car I'm driving ." Baby I'll follow you and then when we drop Jason off I'll get in the truck with you and we can go meet my mom . " OK baby ." I gave him a kiss and then we got in the truck . As we were pulling out Jason started rambling on . "This is a awesome truck I can't believe that you are taking me home in this . Any he screamed . " "Dude calm down your acting gay . " Annabelle I'm not gay even though I have tried everything I can to get your attention . I'm not gay . " " What you have not Jason stop lying ." " I have so every since the second grade when I brought you flowers for valentines day ." "What " But I didn't Have anytime to say anything else because we were in His drive way . he kissed me on the cheek and then jumped out. Keller hopped in and I looked back . "Baby don't worry I gave Luke the keys and told him that he is to stay right behind us ." then he leaned over and kissed me . and with I conversation that I just had with Jason I was side tracked so I kinda didn't kiss all the way . "Baby what is wrong? Did I do something? Did something happen while You were driving Jason home ?" " No and yes ." I explained the situation to him while we drove to his house . He got really mad but I told him not to worry that I had the one I wanted . He smiled and kissed me as I parked the truck . As we walked to the house I realized that they had a parking garage . Hey baby what's in there more cars ? " " Yeah I collect old new and odd looking cars . I'll show you when we have more time . that's when his mom came running out ." Hello my children ." She said hugging us all " Hi mom ." I said . and Keller just looked at me so I shrugged . " OK well Keller run inside and get Anna the keys to the Porsche , while Sarah and I go to the garage . " He smiled Adrian inside when he came back he kissed me and said . You know how your car is your baby , well this is the keys to my baby well actually your my baby .But this is my baby . " I took the keys and gave him a long sweet sexy kiss . Let go and walked away . "Hey baby." "Yeah." "Can you park the truck in the garage while I park your car ?" Yeah I got in the truck and made my way to the one story parking garage that was a hundred feet away . when I got to the garage I realized that there was a key pad. "Crap Kell " then my phone rang ." Hello " "7689 " was all he said . and then hung up . I got out and put the pin in and got back in the truck and pulled the truck in to park it . Keller pulled my car right beside the truck . He helped me out of the truck and walked me to the driver side of the car . He then pushed me up against the car and kissed me more passionately then I have ever known was possible. He pulled back and said "Alright mom " . Which was funny because I didn't hear her say anything . he opened the door kissed me one more time and told me to be really careful . the he was gone and we were driving to the mall . when we arrived we did a lot of shopping and eating and snacking and well pretty much running up Mr. Williams credit card . Mom bought me a lot of shoes and clothes and jewelry . She bought Sarah some things but she straight out pretty much spoiled me . we had to have a lot of thing delivers to Keller's house because Sarah's things and a few of my things would fit in the Porsche . then we got in the car and left to head home .

Realization.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora