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When you least expect it the person that you think you can trust turns out to be a total ass. When all in all the person that you think is gonna hurt you is by your side taking care of you in the end. That my friends is why Jason and his father are spending the next 10 to 15 years in prison. All in all I did warn them not to mess with our things or my mothers paperwork. But in the end they tried to take everything we had and homeland security caught them in the act. Six months after all that went down Keller and I finally got married. It was truly the adding of my dreams. Richard Lee and Anna Nicole are doing great now. Its hard to believe that they are almost seven now. Dad took his time and finally got over mom and is now dating a woman named Kathy. But vows to never marry again. He said marriage is for your tire !I've. However much he may love Kathy. My mother was his true mate. That is who he will be with in death. Keller and I have two beautiful sets of twins. One set is three one set is five. And you'll never guess what. Yeah another bun in the oven. We have decided to name her Michelle Shelia Williams. After both of her grand mothers. Keller tells me everyday how much he loves me even though in still his fragile little human. But what he doesn't know is after my last little pride and joy is born I'm gonna ask him to change me. But that is another story my friends. All I know now is that I !love him he loves me and we truly are blessed with the perfect family.

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