At the Mall

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"Why do people always insist on buying cheep clothes knowing that they aren't going to last?" I ask Shelia while walking past a room full of people fighting over really bad looking clothes that were really cheep and the probably won't be able to wear them more then once. "I don't know honey. I wonder if the even know how they look right now . That's just ridiculous . Really come on people those clothes rent even cute. Ooooooh let's go in Bridal wear . I bet we can find you a dress that's so cute . " We walked in and a lady asked if she could help mom and she pointed to me . " I need a cute but sassy , wedding dress for her . I also need it to be sex bit formal ." The lady who's name was Tasha laughed in her face. " Ma'am I don't know of you have noticed but your daughter is way over weight . So your not ever gonna find any of those thing in a dress for her trust me . Now if she loses like seventy five pounds and then comes back I'm sure that I will find all those things and more in a dress for her."She put an evil smirk on her face and then looked at me . Mom went all crazy screaming and hollering at her asking for the owners number . And then it happened . Mom screamed. I rand over to her and asked if she was alright . But all she could do was bend over grab her stomach and scream again . So I did the only thing I knew to do . I called Alisha and Annie told them wear we were and to hurry something is wrong with mom . Then I did the next thing I could do and the last thing I wanted to do .

Theo : Hey Anna Banana how are you is my sweet bumpkin and baby's OK .

Anna: Theo , help please there is something wrong with mom and she won't tell me what to do she just keeps screaming your name .

Theo: Anna tell exactly what happened honey its OK calm down stop crying I have already turned the boat around well should be home with in the hour. No tell !e what happened and tell me what she is doing .

Anna: This I'm so scared . We were walking threw the mall looking for outfits for tonight . and mom saw a bridal shop . And was like "Ooh let's go in . " Well we met this lady who mom was telling what she wanted in a dress for me , and the lady got smart with mom and gave a few choice words about me losing seventy five pounds and then coming back . because she thought I was to fat for any of he dresses. So mom went crazy . screaming and hollering. Wanting to owner of the shop. And then she screamed and grabbed her stomach. I asked if she was OK then she bent over screamed your name an grabbed her stoic . so I sat her down called Alisha and Annie and then called you . I was so scared I didn't know what to do . I'm not sure if you can hear her but listen . " THEO PLEASE HURRY THEO PLEASE BABY I NEED YOU THEO!!!"

Then I heard Theo .

Theo: Keller get our lawyer on the phone and tell him to get to the house now . Luke call Dr. Huffman tell her to get to the house now . Anna its going to be fine I need you to take my wife home and put her in the downstairs bedroom . Everything is OK .

That's when he said goodbye the girls showed up and the last thing I heard on the phone was the boat speed up.

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