Jason asks Anna to be his girlfriend!

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Anna's POV.

As we sat watching the movie Jason on one side of me Sarah on the other . I reached over and pulled Jason's hand to mine . He smiled and took my hand. After a few moments I leaned over and asked him ." Hey Jace do you gonna go make out? " " Hell yeah!" he said as he stood up. I looked back at Sarah on her phone and asked of she needed anything and she said no so we were gone. As we walked out of the theater. And into a her by janitors closet we kissed . it wasn't passionate it wasn't sexy but it was awesome. I missed getting kissed like this . Then he pulled way .I just pouted. But he smile and looked down at me. Hey why the yellow face?" Great another banana joke. "I was having so much fun" I said looking at the ground ."You know Banana there is a way that we can do this anytime without having to hide in a closet!" " There is?" I said smiling up at him. "Yeah you my lovely lady could agree to become my Girlfriend." He said with a smile . And that's when I knew exactly what I wanted I wanted Jason in my bed tonight!!!!

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