Realization .

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While I was getting ready to go see Keller my father kept going in and out of my room . "Hey honey do you think I should were this ?" I have now heard this about his shirt shoes and tie . oh and great here he is again . " Hey honey do you think that I should wear these or these ?" " Geez dad come up n just pick a pair ,and put your damn pants on . Are you crazy Keller could be here any minute . " " Well homey I'm sure that he's seen a man in his boxers before, and I'm UMIST asking what pants should I wear. " " Dad !!!"" Well I'm just saying." he said rolling his eyes while pulling a pair of faded glory fade jeans on that I bought him two Christmas's ago . And her somehow this is the first time that he's ever worn them . " Hey I'm here honey ." " Great dad just great . Keller is here and I'm not even ready yet . " " Hey baby , Hey dad ." he says sticking his head around my bedroom doorway . "Hey baby ." I say smiling . "Hey Keller can I ask you a question?" "Sure dad anything ." He said with a little hesitation in his voice. " OK well have you ever seen a man in their boxers ?" " Oh dad come on are you kidding I can't believe this ." " Hold on honey let him answer the question . Well?" "Uh yeah I guess I did take gym ." "See honey I told you ." he said as he walked away . Keller came to stand behind me and wrapped my arms . "Um Bay do I even want to know what that was about ?" " Sad to say , but Uhhh No you don't . " I said turning around to kiss him. " Hey honey what about ?" "Geez dad don't you know how to get dressed ?" " Honey I'm only trying to look my very best . So calm down . so do I wear the brown dress shoes or do I go back until I find the right tennis shoes ?" " Ugh dad really ?" I say placing my head into Keller's chest . " Oh well I think I get the boxers thing now . and I'll go help him he only want to look nice to meet mom and dad babe . Keller said kissing me on the head and then walking out the room with my dad .

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