Realization o

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We woke up in each others arms . It was the first morning that I didn't wake up crying over my mother. " Good morning baby . How did you sleep?" " Really really good thank you." "Well I slept great but now we have to get up and get ready for school. " I huffed and puffed but finally went to get in the shower . then got out got dressed and went to wake Sarah but she was already awake and waiting for me in the kitchen . "Ready to go girl "? She said smiling " Yeah hold on ." "Babe I'm taking the Porsche ." I screamed as we ran out the door . When we arrived at school I parked in the parking space that I used to park in and then hit the car alarm . "Sarah I'm gonna laugh when he comes out here and true to get into the car. " " Girl me to " we both said giggling as we walked across the parking lot . " Hey Sarah I was wondering if like you would help me pick out a wedding dress oh and will you be my maid or honor ?" "Hell yeah and same to you . We are going to be sister n laws now ." " Girl I wouldn't want it any other way . so what did you decide about the becoming a vampire thing ?" " What do you man what did I decide about the becoming a vampire thing . there was no decision to it Anna I'm becoming a vampire after the wedding ." "What girl your crazy . I love Keller but there is no way I will become a blood sucking demon . and nothing he can say will change my mind . but as promised I will. All marry him and have a family with him . " " Well Anna if that's what you chose . alright girl give me a hug I have to go to class." So I gave her a hug and went our septet ways . in second period history Sarah told me that Keller said that he was gonna get me at lunch for taking the Porsche when he was planing on taking it . I just laughed it off as we walked into home economics . when lunch rolled around Sarah and I went to stand in line to get lunch . After paying for our lunch and walking to our table . I felt someone rum up behind me . " You took my Porsche. You little munchkin . " Keller whispered as he wrapped his arms around my atomic and almost made me drop my lunch . "Hey all a fair in love and war. Plus I told you I was taking the Porsche." " Yeah as you ran out the door ." he said smiling . " Hey you can't say that I didnt tell you though . " " No I never did you didnt I just said you took it . " That's when I set my tray down and turned around to face him . I wrapped my arms around him and said . " Yeah I did take it and if you keep it up I'll take it home with me tonight and you wont see it until tommorow . " I kissed him on the lips let him go and turned a around and sat down with Luke and Sarah . " And that right there lady's and gental men is how she wins . now you know why I fell in love with this beautiful kind compassionate woman." He said to Luke and Sarah as he sat down beside me.

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