Leaving dad with the truck.

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After dinner we all sat down and talked for a while before dad got tired and said he was ready to go home . I told mom and dad I would be back , jumped up ran to Keller's room grabbed the truck keys and ran down stairs . " Hey dad look what I swiped to take you home in ." He put a smile on his face that made the world light up . Keller told his mom we would be back and then went to get the truck as dad said goodnight to everyone . we were waiting bon the porch when Keller got back . He shut the truck off and came to stand beside me , to whisper something in my ear . "Hey babe why don't you let your dad drive the Truck home . I'll follow with the Porsche and he can just bring the truck back tommorow for brunch . " I smiled at him and shook my head to say OK ." OK ready dad?" I said as Keller disappeared to go get the Porsche . " Yep " he said climbing up the passenger side . " Hey dad wait !" He turned around to see what I wanted . as I slung the keys at him . " You drive I'll sit shot gun . " His face lit up . " Really ?" "Well unless you don't won't to then maybe I'll dri." "Book !!" He screamed and jumped down from the truck and ran to the driver side and got in . " Hey honey is that Keller in the Porsche coming this way ?" He said leaning over the seat to look down at me . " Yeah dad he has something he wants to do after we drop you off." I said and he smiled down at me " Hey honey do you need me to get out and help you get in ?" My dad asked nicely. "No sir she doesn't I'll help. You just get the truck ready . " Keller said lifting me up and putting me in the truck . But not before I could steal a kiss . "You guys be careful , I'll be right behind you." Keller said as he kissed me on the cheek and went back to the Porsche. " Ready Dad ?" He shook his head yes and pulled away . I remembered to make a mental note of this so that I could tell Keller later . My dad looked happier then a kid on Christmas morn . Keller pulled in the drive way behind us and sent me a text message .

From Keller : "Run before he gets out."

I laughed and gave my dad a kiss on the cheek and made a run for it . I jumped in the car and Keller took off . As we were driving away I sent my dad a text message.

From Anna : See you at brunch . 10 am love you Good night I love you.

And then I sent it and leaned over to kiss a waiting Keller .

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