Date With Sarah And Jason

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Anna's POV.

After eating dinner we all settled down to watch Tyler Perry's Meet The Browns. ( Great Movie ) . I laid on Jason's chest while Sarah laid under our legs. Tommorow is going to rock at the club. Jason's going with us thank god. He has been so sweet and kind and I hate to say it bit I think I could love him. I really do .

" Anna! Anna honey! Its time to get up. " I heard my father saying .

"Uh Dad What Time is it?" I asked with one eye open.

"Anna its eleven thirty." I heard him say . "Well dad wake me up at eight in the morning please." I said going back to sleep .

"Anna it's eleven thirty in the afternoon not at night silly bear." That's when I jumped up . "What!! Dad how could you let me sleep this long ? Have you lost your mind. Did you get hit with the crazy stick? Sarah Jace and I have plans today? Speaking of that where are they anyways?" I was running around the room like a crazy person. So my father stopped me and set me down on my bed . Wait how did I get up here? I thought to myself. And as if he could read my mind My Father said . "Jason carried to up here last night,then he carried Sarah up here. The reason why neither one of them are here is because I'm taking you to meet them at Dingos Fine Fiesta in like ten minutes if your ready? " I nodded my head and got ready . I had two best friends waiting for me at my our favorite Restaurant.

At The Restaurant.....

I saw Jason and Sarah sitting at our table and ran over to them . "Hey Banana" Jason said as he hugged me . I just smiled and gave him an evil look he will pay for that later. "Hey Sair" I said as I sat down . As I went to wave a waiter Jason stopped me . "I already ordered. It should be here soon . Oh and yes I remember Cookies and Cream Milk Shake." I kissed him on the cheek and said thanks . We ate in piece all talking about what the night plans were. When finished Jason paid the bill and went to get the car. After all getting in the car and Driving to the movie Cinema , We took forever figuring out what to watch. I won in the end with Do You Love Me? . Jason went to get concession while we went to get seats.

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