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When we arrived back at the house Keller was waiting out side for me . Mom got out and went to inside to dad . Sarah followed so that she could go see Luke . "Hey baby are you our here waiting for me ?" " Yep you guys were gone for three and a have hours . and I really missed you " He said as he pulled me close so that I would slide in between his leg so that he could kiss me . " Baby your mom a took me shopping and spoiled me rotten ." " I know I told here to that's why she had mine and Luke's credit cards ." " Well I feel sorry for your credit card. " " Yeah I know . I put all your things in my room . " We both laughed and kissed while he hugged me . We sat their for a while and I realized it was really really dark . " Baby I gotta go . My dad is gonna get mad of I'm not home by ten thirty . " "Nope your staying here with Sarah and Annie tonight ." " What I can't " " Uh yeah you can Annie has already called both your parents so your mine ." We both laughed as I leaned in for a kiss . After dinner Sarah and Luke went to their room while Keller and I went to his . When we got there I ran and jumped on his bed . "Hey baby we need to talk ." Keller said as he came to lay beside me . " Wait did I do something wrong , is it because I'm fat that your breaking up with me ?" "Baby no I'm not breaking up with you and I'm in love with you because your fat . No I have something I need to tell you but first you have to promise to marry me . " I giggled until I realized that he was being serious . Then I stopped laughing. "OK fine I think I love you so OK I'll marry you ." I said smiling . He kissed me and then smiled . He slipped the 24 carat gold band covered in diamonds . " OK so now that you have promised to marry me I have to tell you something . OK so here it goes . I am a vampire . " He said with a straight face . I couldn't help it I I laughed whole I kissed him. But then I heard Sarah scream and I bolted up and out the door . I met her in the bathroom in the hall . " Sarah what's wrong?But she wasn't scared she was excited .

"I'm marrying a vampire I'm so excited . " " Sarah you can't dream like your during when all your doing is getting married . " " Girl I'm marrying a vampire to so shut up and stop screaming . " Luke came and got Sarah and Keller came to get me . and we all went back to our rooms . As we walked in I lock the bedroom door and stood by him. "Keller I need to know the truth what's going on ." " Anna." he said pulling me on the bed . "I'm a vampire and I love you and want to to marry !e . but see you can't tell anyone that I'm a vampire , and in the future I want you to become a vampire and have a family with me but if its to much for you then I will understand and I will wait until your ready." I sat on his lap and thought for a moment . "Keller is your mom pregnant ? " " Yeah why?" " For one vampires don't get pregnant. For two it will kill her to have a vampire baby." " Anna baby what are you OK that sounds crazy my mother birth and raised three boys . what makes you think that she can't have another child?" " Keller I have seen all the TWILIGHT movies . I know how vampires roll . " He just laughter and fell back so I drawer on top of him and straddled him . "What's so funny Mr. Vampire ?" " Nothing" he said pulling me on top of him . " I

Love you Annabelle Nicole . " " And I

Love you Keller Williams .

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