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After we do alot of shopping we were ready to

leave the !all when I saw Sarah . " Sarah hey come here " I said smiling . She walked over to me smiling . "Hey girl I have been trying to call you . " Then she hugged me and pecked me on the cheek . Then she turned around And did the same to Jason . We have all been friends since second grade . " Yeah I saw the phones iv been having a lot of trouble dealing with my mom dieing and everything its been tough . but I guess I'll be OK .Anyway how have you been girl? " " Oh well I tried to call last night to tell you that three new guys (brothers) started last week and he's through I ng a party tonight . I wanted you to go with me . Sooooo do you wanna go with me there will be hot nota alcohol and party music ?"I looked at Jason and then back at her and smiled . " Sure where is it at? ". "Um I have no Idea I'm riding with the youngest brother Luke . But maybe you should meet me at !y house and get dressed then you can follow us there. " "Great what time should I meet you ?" " Oh well I want you to get dressed with me and do my hair . And the party starts at six so maybe four thirty ." ". OK I'll see you then ". She hugged me and then walked away smiling . " Jace do you gonna go with me "? I new he wouldn't . He doesn't go to parties . But I asked hoping maybe he would . " Uhhh No are you crazy ? Do you remember then last time I went to a party with you Anna . " I did remember it was three and a hard years ago in ninth grade . I got a little drunk . OK 8 was waisted and a couple of guys started hitting on me . He didn't like it and ended up fighting and I got mad because at the time one of the boys was my boyfriend . So he never went to another party with me again . when he dropped !e off he told me good night and he would see me in the morning . I ran up stairs to put my things down . I checked the clock and it said three thirty . "Crap . I have to be at Sarah's house in a hour what am I going to where ?" Then I remembered the dress and stilettos I had bought with Jason today . I ran to my bed and saw that they were there . Yes thank you person up above . I an and took a shower , then on my pajamas and robe I grabbed me things and ran out the door .

When I arrived at Sarah's house I grabbed !y things out of the car and ran straight through the door I was ten minutes late . even though she only lives three roads over . I took to long of a shower. the water just felt so good . " Hey Mom Hey Dad how are you?" I said running up the stairs two at a time. They looked at !e like I was crazy but still said "Hey honey." When I reached her room I was out of breath . " What happened to you ?" Sarah said as I fell back on her bed ."Oh let !e guess they had another twinkly sale at the mall . So did you get me any?" She said a little over excited . " No and no they didn't have a twinkly sale I am late ." " Girl its only four o'clock how are you late ? And tell me tell me tell !e what are you wearing tonight ?" I handed her the bags that had my dress and shoes in them . She pulled them out as I sat up . " Awwww these are so cute I didn't see this when I was in there ." " Girl you didn't see it because I night the last two out fits ." " WHAT you bought the last two when does another shipment come in ?" " It doesn't the stopped selling those designs ." " man I wish I would have know so did you bring them both ? If so can I borrow one PLEASE !!!!" " Yes I did bring them both and no you may not borrow mine because I have to wear it tonight ." " But Anna you said that you have two." " No I said that I bought two I didn't say I have two ." I said this as I held a bad up with my pointer finger .she screamed and jumped on !e " Annabelle is that mine ? Did you buy that for me ? Oh Anna will you please tell me its mine?"". OK OK its yours only your dress is black knee high and strapless my dress is black knee high and wraps around the neck. " " Well Anna are you sure that you don't won't this one ?" " Yes I'm sure I'm to fat for that dress anyways ." " Anna 200 Pounds is not that fat. I should know I weigh 190 .". We both laughed as we got dressed and did each other hair and make up . Luke showed up fifteen minutes before we were finished .when we walked down stairs we saw two guys sitting on the couch next to Sarah's dad . The one with short blonde hair kinda muscular but not really and about five nine was Luke from Sarah's expression. The other I had no clue .

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