Explaing everything .

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When I arrived at the house , Dad was sitting in his lazy boy screaming at the TV . " Hey daddy who's playing ?" " Oh hey princess FSU vs. UF . Stupid Holes . " I couldn't help but laugh . Daddy and I always watch the Fla , Fla state games . Him for the sucky Gators . And as for my self GO NOLES !!!!!!. "So honey bunny what are you doing home . So I thought you would be with that fiance right now . Instead of your so lame dad right now . " He said rolling his eyes and shaking his hand in the air . ". Yeah about that dad I need to talk to you . " He looked over at me then shut the TV off ( Which he never did especially during a game . ) and turned to me . " Honey is something wrong ?" He asked a little worried. I looked at him and told him the whole story. How the lady in the dress store had mad fun of me how , everyone had left and I was so scared when Keller's mom went into labor and no one was there . How I had to be the one to call Theo and tell him it was my taught that his wife went into early labor . And how most of all how Keller completely ignored me when he arrived home . How i had ran away to my aunties pent house . To get away and thing and Keller had still found me . And how when Keller first arrived , he automatically started screaming at me . And begged me to come home and have his mom have the babies . Because she wasn't going to have the babies without me so . "And so I told him dad that I would go help his momma have the babies . And yes I was going home . And that my lovely friend is why I'm here . I came home daddy . I can't handle ally the pressure and all the stress . I wish mom was here she would tell me what to do . I miss her so much dad . sometimes I feel like I can't even get out of bed . " I had tears rolling down my cheeks . my mom always knew how to make me feel better when I had problems . My dad came over and sat down beside and Wrapped his arms around me . " Honey its not your fault that any of this happened . Its that stupid shop assistant that caused all of this . Honey just tell me what you want to do about the Williams family and I'll do it do you want them to stay away of so . Then all you have to do is say the word and none of them will bother you again . And as for your mother honey . I miss her to . I feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest . Like I can't breath sometimes , and if I walk to close to her closet I smell her , and its like I'm losing her all over again . So honey I know how you feel about your mother . I myself feel the same way every morning . Plus I have missed seeing you so much that I think we need dad and Anna Banana time anyway . I was gonna call you in the morning and ask you to come home Alone tommorow anyways . " " Dad its not the whole family I just need a break from being THE FUTURE MRS. KELLER WILLIAMS. As if life isn't hard enough. I think that its time that I go back to being me for a little while . instead of what Keller expects me to be starting with Sarah and Jason ." My father smiled and shook his head as if saying he approved . We sat up and ate jink food and talked about mom and old time for a while then he stared to fall asleep watching Ride Along . " The best movie ever ." As said by my very crazy father .Then we both said good night and went to bed . After laying in my bed for a while I realized I missed my room . I rolled over took off the ring Keller had given me and threw it in the drawer attached to my bed side table . Tommorow I get my life back .

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