Chapter forty eight S2 - Before

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The flashbacks had stopped with you holding your head, Inosuke and Ceoko had surrounded you.

It was dark now, your flashbacks had lasted a few hours....

"Y/N?? What the hell happened??!?!?" Inosuke yelled.

"Shush! Don't be so loud!" Ceoko said.

Inosuke didn't even say anything back, he stared at you awaiting an answer.

"Inosuke...." You muttered while quickly pulling him into a hug, he quickly hugged back.

"What's wrong?!?!" He looked ready to attack anyone who had hurt you.

"Inosuke... do you... remember me?"

"Of course I remember you?! You're right here!" He was confused.

"Do you remember me before....?" You hugged him tighter.

Ceoko was silent.

Inosuke didn't speak for a second, "before....? before... now...?"

You nodded, he pulled you out of the hug to look at you.

"Before..." He repeated.

"With..... boars before....?" He asked while looking at the bush he had first seen you at.

You nodded again.

He looked at the ruins of the town, you notice his eyes landed on your old

"With the house before...." He looked at the tree that was snapped in half and bent over.

"With the tree before...."
He looked back at you.

"With..... you before..." He stared at you.

Again, you nodded.

"With me before," You said with tears in your eyes.

"With you before!!!" He said happily, "That was you before!!!" He lifted you up in the air while you laughed.

"With me before!!!" You yelled happily.

He spun you around and pulled you into a hug that you quickly accepted.

You both stayed in that hug for a few second till Ceoko broke the silence.

"Hate to ruin your moment, but get me the hell out of here now," He demanded.

You giggled before getting out of the hug to get Ceoko out, it was dark enough for him not to burn.

He jumped out and sassily stretched before turning back to human.

"What's all this with before?" Ceoko asked.

"It's kind of a long story-" You said, "But me and Inosuke used to live here before,"

Inosuke nodded proudly.

"Wow... amazing... Then what happened to- that," He pointed to the destroyed town.

"Oh, uh, that was me," You said awkwardly.

He looked back at it then at you.

"Didn't take you as the, 'destroying a whole city' type," He said after awhile.

"Me neither," You smiled awkwardly.


Sorry for the delay and the short chapter!!
Online school isn't as easy as it sounds,

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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