Chapter thirty one - Food

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Thank you guys so much for reading this far!
Let's continue! :3


You would need to go somewhere with cat food....

I mean, it's better than human flesh-

Inosuke put his mask on as you both went out. The town was empty so this shouldn't be too difficult.

Ceoko seemed to be doing pretty good- he wasn't screaming in agony or anything.

Inosuke seemed to be on guard, like something was about to pop out of nowhere and attack us.

You'd be lying if you said you weren't worried as well.

But nothing happened.... thankfully-

You both went down the streets in silence, Inosuke wasn't usually this quiet..... was he.... was he actually thinking about something???

You looked over at him, he didn't even look at you, he was just staring straight ahead.

*I don't know if I will ever get used to that boar mask-*

"Inosuke? Is something wrong?-" You asked silently, he finally looked over at you.

"Did I lose?" He said.


"Not technically- i-it was a team effort! You got rid of all the other demons, and you were probably tired so it wasn't a fair battle-" You explained it.

"So we won?"

We won....... you liked the sound of that

"Yeah!" You smiled brightly.

"I was there too, I saved your guys butts," You heard Ceoko mumble.

You giggled, "Thank you, Ceoko,"

Ceoko hesitated, "Yeah, whatever,"

You nudged Inosuke, "I'm not saying sorry to him!" He said.

"Well, I don't want your apology!" Ceoko retorted.



You sighed..... this was going to be a long trip....

You had finally made it to a pet store. You walked inside along with Inosuke who was looking at your bag intensely.

"What kind of cat food do you eat?..." You looked in the isles, you hadn't seen many pets here so you were surprised they had so many kinds.

"Only the best," He stated proudly,

"How good can cat food be?" Inosuke muttered .

"Have you even tried it before?" Ceoko spat back.

"I'm not a cat!"

"Then you cant say anything about it!"

"I can say whatever I want!"

"Just tell me which cat food you need!" You broke their argument.

They both went quiet for a moment, "It's a red bag with a cat like me on it...." Ceoko whispered loud enough for you to hear.

"Thank you," You grabbed the bag and hauled it at Inosuke, he caught it.

You blinked in surprise, that bag was heavy......

Then you looked at his muscles and it clicked.

You surpassed the urge to roam the whole store, you were a little surprised there were no animals inside the store.

Now you needed human food-

You remembered the food Inosuke was supposed to bring you and your mouth watered.

Was that food still sitting there? It just be cold by now. Poor food, left all alone.

You went out the pet store and found a grocery store. You rushed inside to check out all the food. It was had an open area with all the fruits, then isles of other things.

Your tails started wagging once you sniffed the air, you had to get things that were unperishable.


A few perishable things wouldn't hurtttt

Inosuke started running all around the store, it was huge for such a small town. You chased him up and down the isles while giggling.

"Didn't we come here for food!?!" Ceoko yelled, trying not to jump around in the bag so much.

"Oh! Right!" You stopped dead in your tracks, Inosuke skrted, almost ran into a wall, and then stopped. He looked back at you and ran over.

"What should we get-?"

"Food," They both said said in union.


"Then I guess were getting everything,"

Well, you didn't get everything but you got some fruit gummies- canned food, water, more fruit gummies, and other things.

Somehow all of that fit into the bag, but Inosuke had to carry it now since it was breaking your back with its weight.

Occasionally he would try and squash Ceoko but other than that everything was good-

Now the real adventure began....

You snacked on some food along the way, you offered Ceoko some cat food but he didn't take it.

You made it through the town and down in the forest. Ceoko told you of a town in the East. It was.... a long ways away....

Maybe a week or less-

But you had food to last you a week! ...... or at least you think you do-

Guess you'll find out,

You started the walk on your own.....
but then you somehow were being carried by Inosuke.

You didn't complain


Thanks for reading!

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