Chapter thirty - Fox?

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Inosuke was actually quiet for once, he was.... trying to think about it-

You stayed there with your mouth open, while Ceoko just nodded.

"A.... Fox?" You asked slowly. Ceoko nodded, "Yep," He seemed so calm about it-

You tried to add it all up in your head, was this your big power? Was this what Douma was talking about? But.... a fox... a really, really big fox...... why?

"A fox?" Inosuke copied you, Ceoko just looked at him,

"Yes," He said it slower so Inosuke could understand him.

Inosuke looked at you and you looked at him, he suddenly reached his hands out and touched your ears. Your tails started wagging.

You flinched, "Uh- Inosuke?" You blushed a bit as he got closer.

"That's what those are-" He mumbled to himself, he looked at Ceoko, "Then... can you do something like that?!" He continued touching your ears

"..... no... I can only change into a...normal cat"
Ceoko mumbled angrily. You smiled as he looked away scowling.

Inosuke kept playing with your ears, you enjoyed the feeling. Ceoko stood up, you looked up at him "Now that that's over- we need to start moving soon,"

Inosuke obviously wasn't listening to him anymore but you nodded. Your ears twitched and you looked at Inosuke, he seemed- really...... focused, it made you feel kinda.... awkward.

"IInosuke?" You said, he looked at you "We uh- have to get going."

"Fine," He stood up, you got up as well, "But how will the cat not burn?" He asked.

Ceoko looked at you, then Inosuke.

"Stuff me in a bag or something," He said it like he'd done it before.... "When I'm a cat I mean-" He added.

"D-do we have a bag?"



"I think mas- ....Douma had one from some humans his followers killed," Ceoko said.

"Perfect," You said cheerfully. Everything would be okay then, you would go away from Douma and live in peace with Inosuke!


And Ceoko....

You guess....

He can be the family cat.

You headed for the door, but Inosuke interrupted, " Can't we just leave him here?" He glared at Ceoko.

Ceoko glared back, "You both need my help." he said simply.

"We don't need anything from you!"

Ceoko was right though, you would probably need his help along the way. He knew Douma well and could easily spot him, and....
it would be mean to just leave him here.

So while they were having another glaring contest you thought of something.

"Inosuke!" He looked at you immediately so did Ceoko,  "Whoever finds the bag first wins!"

You saw a fire light in Inosukes eyes, he grabbed his mask, that was on the ground a few feet next to Ceoko, and rushed out the door, yelling about how he was going to find it first.

You weren't surprised with how well it had worked....

You smiled, you were going to try your best to find it too!

Ceoko looked at you from where you were, your tails were wagging even more now in excitement,
"Good luck!" You said you said to him as you went out the door to go looking.

He merely grunted in response, he watched you leave.

He decided to go searching as well after getting bored.

After..... half an hour or so..... Inosuke had found the bag-

He had tried to stuff Ceoko in it while he was in his non-cat form


It didn't go too well-

You stopped him, finally- and got Ceoko in the bag after he transformed. You slipped it on your back and were ready to set off!

Then your stomach growled.... it was midday already....

Inosukes growled soon after that-

Then you even heard Ceokos.


First stop is Food!


Thanks for reading!

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