Chapter fifteen - UPPSIES

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The door had a shadow next to it, you couldn't make out who it was.

But it definitely wasn't Inosuke.

You back up some more,
"W-who are you?!" You tried to not sound scared, but the stutter didn't help.

It didn't respond, you soon saw it come into the middle of the room.

It was a man, he looked young. The smell of demon came off of him so quick it made you nervous. Your eyes widened a bit.

You backed up some more.

You glanced around the room for a place to escape.

"Don't be scared," He said in a soft tone, "I'm not scary,"

Was this guy the boss? Your eyes looked back at him.

H-he might be....

"My name's Douma," he said, " What's yours?"
(A/N: Or Doma, whichever)

Should you tell him your name? He might do something.....

"Y/n...." You mumbled out, he didn't seem too threatening....

He took a step closer, "Y/n.... I like that name!" He seemed really cheerful.

"T-thanks?..." You said slowly.

Where was Inosuke when you needed him?

You backed up until your back and as against the wall, he took this opportunity to come really close to you.

You noticed how tall he was..... 6 feet? He must've been.
(A/N: If you're tall pretend you're short, If you're short perfect)

He reached his arms out towards you, you closed your eyes expecting to be hurt in some way. But you weren't.

He casually lifted you up from your armpits.

You opened you eyes slowly as he spoke.

"You're so cute and small!" He gave you a smile.

Your ears went back up and your tails started wagging a bit. You liked him.

*:D How could he be this scary person? I don't think he's the boss*

You gave him a small smile in return. He carefully set you down and patted your head.

Yeah, he's not the boss.

But then who is?

"What are you doing here?" He asked you,

"Oh! We got attacked at the cabin by some demons and we heard of a boss that even those demons were scared of and they were scary," You added,

"So then we found an address leading here, so we came to the town and here we are," You may have been too trusting to tell him everything......

too late now-

He nodded, it looked like he understood, "Why would you want to come here though?"

"I didn't want anyone else to get hurt by demons, " You paused then added, "But you seem nice,"

"Aren't you a demon?" He asked you, he could probably smell the scent. He seemed rather curious.

"Well I'm a Yok-" You were interrupted by Inosuke calling out your name. You looked passed Douma at the door and saw the handle jiggle.

"A friend?" He asked,


Friend. Yeah he was a friend..... a friend...

"Inosuke! I'm in here!" You shouted you him.

He busted down the door, only to see Douma right in front of you, with your back against a wall may I add.

He charged at him right away with his swords with a battle cry. Your eyes widened as you quickly jumped in front of Douma,

"Inosuke! He's not a bad guy!" You told him, he immediately stopped and looked at you,

"He's a demon!" He growled out, glaring at Douma.

"He didn't hurt me! And he gave me uppsies!" You told him, "Upp- He's still a demon! He could've put you under a spell!"

"I'm not under a spell!" You defended yourself, "How do you know?!" He asked,

"I would know if I was under a spell!"

"No you wouldn't!"

"I might!"

Douma just watched what was happening like a drama, "I'm not here to hurt you-" He tried to add but was cut off to Inosuke yelling at him. He closed his mouth and blinked a few times.

"Be nice Inosuke!" You tried to say,

"No! I won't let him hurt you!"

"He won't!"

"He might!"

"I definitely won't- " Douma added,

"See! He's fine!"

"He's lying!"

You stared at him, you were a little mad, why won't he listen to you?!

You looked at him sadly, he flinched.

"Please Inosuke..... he's not even the boss....."
You pleaded.

"You're mistaken," Douma spoke suddenly,

"I am the boss," He said with a bright smile.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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