Chapter thirteen - Where-house?

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See that title? I'm hilarious.
Also thank you Peachesaway08 for being the first to comment!
It really made me happy!

Now, let's begin!

You eyes opened slowly just to make sure what you thought was happening wasn't or was happening-

You saw an arm that wasn't yours.


Your heart rate must've increased to a very very very unhealthy amount-

It was comfortable and all but like, boar was touching you-

Error- can't compute,

You can't complain at all, he was comfortable, is it okay to say that? Oh gosh my heart hurts- I forgot how to breathe-

You regained your breath quickly and tried to calm down,

*go to bed, go to bed, go to bed*

You shuffled trying not to wake him, he moved and hugged you tighter.

You were pretty sure your heart beat was going to wake him up at the speed it was going.


I just need to breathe.

H-how do you breathe?

This went on for awhile but you managed yourself, it was probably an accident, maybe he has a habit of holding things-

Your heart was beating slower than before and you were finally calming down.

At least you weren't facing his chest.
(A/N: a b s )

You closed your eyes

* s l e e p n o w p l e a s e - *

That..... that didn't work, but eventually you did fall asleep, thankfully.

What you didn't know was that Inosuke was smiling, you couldn't see it from under his mask though.

Should he even sleep with that on? Oh well...

The morning came in a flash.

When you woke up you didn't have arms around you anymore, were you dreaming it?

Actually... when you look around..... where was Inosuke?

Your ears went down.

You sat up and rubbed your eyes, you were tempted to yell out his name, but you wouldn't want to disturb anyone else, they might be sleeping.....

You looked around the room, it wasn't a mess so he hadn't been kidnapped- if you could even kidnap him...

Then the door opened,

ta-da! Inosuke! You smiled, your tails started wagging, and your ears went back up.





You sprang up, just looking at it made you hungry.

You ran over to him to look at the food,
"Fooddddd!"You said, he chuckled.

You looked up at him and gave him puppy dog eyes,
"Pweaseeeeee?" You did your best owo voice.

He flinched and looked away,
"We're sharing it!"
"Okay!" You smiled brightly.

He set it down and you guys began eating,
"How did you get this?-" You asked suddenly realizing he had no money,
"They... gave it to me," He answered slowly,
You gave him the ".-." face.

He seemed horribly guilty.....

"You can't do that! You're going to get in trouble! Stealing is bad!" You scolded him,

"But we needed food!"

"...." You were hungry..... really hungry... but still! That doesn't make this okay!

"Just don't do it again!" You said,

" F I N E," he answered as he stuffed his face full of food,

"Hey leave some for me!"

He was... quite the messy eater....

.... messy is an understatement.....

You both finished eating the evidence and got to drink some water you found in the fridge,

"Now!" Inosuke announced, "Let's go find those demons!"

You smiled softly,
"And not get killed!"

"We won't get killed!" He promised.

You trusted him, but you were still scared. You don't know how many demons are there, and how many Inosuke can take....

"Let's go!" He ran out the door with his swords in his hands,
"Inosuke no! Put your swords away!" You said as you grabbed the piece of paper with the address.

You chased him as you got weird looks in the streets,
"You're going the wrong way!!!!!" You tried to tell him.

*this... this.... boar!*

You caught up to him and put his swords away as he looked around.

You caught up to him and put his swords away as he looked around

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You panted a bit,
"It's all the way on the other side of town...."

".... o h," Was all he said before he picked you up and started sprinting to the other half,
"Eep!" You yelped, you hung onto him, not wanting to get dropped.

"I-it's over there" You pointed to that hill you both had seen before.

You closed your eyes and waited for him to get there, then he stopped.

You opened your eyes slowly, there it was.

The warehouse.

Thank you guys for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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