Chapter six - Boss?

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Her voice sent shivers down your spine.
She giggled while boar man was getting in a defense pose, your ears went down.

You looked over at the cat who didn't seem as cute as before, it had an evil grin on.

Why do you have to follow everything cute.....

She called the cat over to her and placed her hand on it, a bright light came out and the cat disappeared without a trace.


"A human and a Yokai, how fun!~" The smile on her face never faded,
" I'll kill the human and take the Yokai for master~"

You got closer to boar man out of fear,
" You aren't taking or killing anyone!" He shouted at her.

"Really now?~"
Boar man charged at her quickly, leaving you wide open,

She sprinted past him and tried to touch you. Boar man wiped around and cut her arm off,
She stopped to look at him.

She giggled,
"Your friend is so nice!~" Her voice got dark and her smiled disappeared,
"Too bad he'll have to die"

He kicked at her legs trying to get her to fall, she had jumped away from him though. You quickly got behind boar man and looked around for a hiding spot.

You didn't really know how to fight! This had never happened to you before!

*oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god (x100)*

He charged at her again, but she kept on jumping back.

You ran into a part of the forest and hid between two trees, you were small so you could easily slip through.

You could hear them fighting but you couldn't see them, you didn't dare move.

You heard footsteps but you couldn't tell whose they were. You kept still, they suddenly stopped.

Your heart was beating really fast, it was like something out of a horror movie-

You saw some feet, and you could tell it was the demons.

She sniffed the air and walked away.




You calmed down a bit before seeing her head pop out of no where,
"Found you!~"

You nearly had a heart attack, you yelped out as she tried to grab you. She couldn't fit and her arm was barely long enough, but all she had to do was touch you.

It was like cat and mouse but scarier...

You heard more footsteps and saw the demon run away from you, you saw boar man running after her, f u l l s p e e d .

She teleported back to you quickly and tried to grab you, but boar man was quick and kicked her foot so she fell, she had teleported away again.

He looked around and yelled out,

There was no response, only a giggle.

It was still dark out, and you couldn't see her anywhere.

He ran away to find her, you whimpered. You didn't want to be left alone, you didn't have anything to really protect you, aside from your claws.

You heard the giggle again, but closer. Your claws came out as you looked around.

You saw her face looking down at you, she put a finger to her lips, signaling you to be quiet.

You couldn't seem to say anything though. A huge smile was on her face,
"Yes, master will like you~"

She reached out but before she could touch you, slash her arm was clean off.

She teleported back and sturdied herself on a tree, her smile faded. Now both her arms were gone, she couldn't do much damage could she?

Boar man stood in front of your hole opening and blocked you.

The demon giggled, it became louder and louder, it scared you even more.
"Master won't be happy~" she seemed scared for a second, you noticed her arms were regenerating extremely slowly.

Then she disappeared.

Her blood was still on the ground.

Boar man looked around and yelled out,

There was silence, she had left. You sniffed the air and couldn't smell anymore demon, you slowly crawled out of hiding and went behind boar man.

He seemed angry but he calmed down a bit when he saw you, he put his swords behind him on his back and picked you up, he was carrying you bridal style.

"Eh?" You mumbled,

"Let's go,"

"You don't have to carry me-"

"Well I am"

He was extremely pissed.

He carried you all the way back to the fire pit. He set you down finally, and you sat down on the log.

Boar man was still on guard. He looked at you and stared.

You were still thinking about that thing, but what he said immediately brought you out of your thoughts,

"What are you?" He asked,


Thanks for reading!
I will be drawing the characters next!

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