Chapter forty seven S2 - Flashbacks pt. 3

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You watched their hand as they pulled out a knife.
(good job for those who guessed correctly)

You began to kick harder and tried to punch the kids. You even screamed a bit.

who would come for something like you? Nobody liked you, nobody would save you.

You heard Inosuke continuing to fight those kids, they were bloodied and bruised now,
"Hurry up!" One of the kids yelled.

Inosuke let out a battle cry as one of the kids fell to the ground.

"Hold him for a bit longer, gosh!" The kid with the blade said.

"No, no, no!" You managed to kick the kid in the face.

"Ow! Grah! That's it!" They held their bloody nose, "We're gonna kill you, freak!"

You felt the blade in your leg, your eyes widened as you let out a shriek of agony.

Inosuke kicked another kid down and made a dash for you, a kid grabbed his ankle and stopped him before he could.

"Y/N!!" He yelled.

You felt tears fall down your face as you tried to yell his name through your pain.

"Oh shut up, freak!" None of the kids seemed bothered by your screams, all they could think of was that you were different.

They didn't know anything about you, they didn't know how you liked the same foods as them, or liked to read books, or even liked to hang out with their friends.

They called you a freak. We're you really that different?

Why were you the one getting hurt?

Why was this your fault?

You didn't choose to be this way.

You felt different all of a sudden, you couldnt remember what happened all that you were a lot bigger and.... stronger.

You felt powerful! Surely you could beat the kids now!

Surely you could save Inosuke!

What you didn't know is that you became the thing you feared the most.

Inosukes POV

Where were you? I couldn't see you?

There was a bright light and then you were gone.

"Y/N!" I called, instead of your voice I heard a loud thump.

I blinked and regained my vision.... I saw a giant fox with multiple tails.

Where were you?!?

The other kids ran away quickly, some were still lying on the ground.

The giant fox had left for the town, destroying the buildings and everyone around.

Where was Y/N? Did the fox have her?!

I ran after the fox, stumbling around, I would save you!

I'm the king of the forest! I can do anything I want!

And.... you were my queen....

Your POV

You rampaged around, destroying everything.

Why did they get to have it... why were you so different?

You really didn't want to do this... You really- didn't....

You rampaged until you reached your own house, you saw your father running to the forest with all the money.

Why couldn't he have been a good father?

Why did mom have to leave...?

You hated him.... did you really?

You began walking towards him he looked back at you with frightened eyes.

Finally, he knew how it felt when you saw him.

"Stay back, monster! Don't come any closer, you f-!" He tried to yell.

You didn't want to hear anymore, so you stepped on him.

You hated that feeling... yet liked it.

You left out another roar and turned to the tree.

You saw Inosuke.

He looked....

He was scared of you.

Your eyes widened and you stumbled back.

That was Inosuke- the one who was just going to save you, the one that never tried to hurt you.

Your friend.

He was scared of you.

You stumbled back, he had said someones name, was it yours? You didn't know.

You couldn't do anything, you were scared, you had become a monster.

Just like everyone had said you were.

You ran... you didn't want to do this anymore, you couldn't stand that look in his eyes

You ran from everything and forgot it all.

You had de-transformed sometime when you were running and passed out in that forest.

Everything was a blur after that, you only had a memory of a certain boar.

You continued to live in the forest, never questioning how or why you got there.

Then you met that strange boar again, you hadn't know that it was him till now.

How didn't you realize it before? He was right here... the whole time....

Your head hurt, everything hurt....


Thanks for reading!

Happy late Halloween 🎃 ! What did you dress up as?

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