Chapter forty three - Family

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The kids finished their story right on time, you didn't know if you believed them though.

But it would explain the strange feeling Zenitsu gave you.

Inosuke rushed back over to you yelling about how he did it. You smiled,
"Good job, Inosuke!"

He gave out a big laugh while putting his hands on his hips.

You stood back up, both the kids and Nezuko stood up as well. Tanjiro came back over with Zenitsu behind him,
"We are going to have to help these kids find their parents, you're free to join us," He gave a small smile while Zenitsu nodded violently.

You looked at Inosuke, he was throwing the kids up in air and, thankfully, catching them.

You smiled, "I think we'll stay with you guys for a bit,"

The kids erupted in joyful shouts and so did Inosuke, the kids seemed to like him, since they were now climbing on him.

You and Tanjiro let out a small giggle, Nezuko shown her adorable smile under her bamboo muzzle.

There was a shuffle in the trees as a silver cat jumped down, "You better not be leaving me out of this," Ceoko spoke.

Zenitsu screeched when Ceoko spoke, " OW, WHAT YOUVE NEVER SEEN A TALKING CAT BEFORE?!" He yelled at Zenitsu.

"Ceoko, be nice," You said, a low growl emitted from his voice but he ignored the second screech Zenitsu did.

He came over to you and jumped on your shoulder, Inosuke was giving him a glare, Ceoko gave him one right back.

The kids seemed to have a sparkle in their eyes as they looked at Ceoko. They jumped off Inosuke and ran over to you to play with Ceoko.

They started petting him, that seemed to make Inosuke even more mad, "I guess they just like me better than you," Ceoko teased with a smirk and a snicker.

One of the kids tried to pick him up and he started freaking out, "Hey! Wait no-!"

He was being cradled like a child....

He hated it.

You giggled while Inosuke pointed and laughed at him.

Awhile after that all of you began walking to the children's house. You had cheered them up a bit and that made you happy, you'll apologize later to Ceoko about the whole cradling incident.

You dropped the kids off, their parents were extremely thankful and gave you some food for travel, not that you needed any. You were still packed full of fruit gummies.

It was turning day time soon so Ceoko jumped back into the bag, you noticed that Nezuko had a bag of her own, well it was more of a box.

The sun began rising and you turned to Tanjiro.

You asked him why he became a demon slayer. He went into detail about his parents and his siblings, he made it clear that he was going to defeat this Muzan demon.

You felt bad for him, losing your whole family just like that would be terrible.

Inosuke and Ceoko seemed to be listening as well, they were both silent.

"What about your family?" He asked you.

"My family? Well.... I don't remember.... anything about them or anything, basically," You said calmly.

"Nothing?" He asked.

"I only remember being in a forest for a few years, then I met Inosuke," You showed a small smile when you said his name and your tails started wagging.

Tanjiro smiled but then looked ahead with a confused face.

You were confused too,

How do you forget your family?

Your past?


What happened to you?...

Those who don't know I was recently injured in my knee and hands. I can't bend my knee fully so I've been limping around, sorry for the late chapter!

Thanks for reading!

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