Chapter twenty - Uh... meow?...

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You backed away slowly- why was it moving?! Blankets weren't supposed to move! Or at least you thought so-

You stared at it as it slowly crawled. It fell off the couch with a thud.


You heard something that sounded like a hiss or a meow-?

Wait..... was there a cat-?

Was it.... the cat you had seen before?-

Oh god.

This cat was the death of you, here we go. It's going to murder you alive....

With its cuteness.

Its head had popped out of the cover of the blanket and was just staring at you.... menacingly. But at the same time- not menacingly? If that made sense....

It came out of the blanket and sat down a few feet in front of you.

It meowed and hissed.

"W-what?-" You definitely did not speak cat-

It hissed at you like you were an idiot.

.....That kinda hurt your feelings-

You stepped back a bit, it looked like the cat had.... rolled its eyes at you- It strutted along past you to a vent.

You were prepared to rot in here, you didn't prepare for a sassy cat.

It jumped on some of the boxes that led up to the vent and proceeded to knock it down, it must've been experienced in this....

You noticed the vent might actually be big enough for you.

The cat stared at you and meowed impatiently, you hesitantly walked over to the boxes. You looked up at the cat.

Now what?....

The cat hissed at you like you were an idiot again, what a mean cat....

It went inside the vent and disappeared, you climbed up the boxes to the vent.

You peered inside to find a cat paw smacking your nose. You stumbled and almost fell backwards, you yelped out quietly but frantically.

The cat looked at you disapprovingly before heading further in, your ears fell down.

You climbed in head first, if anyone were to walk in it would be incredibly awkward.

You know, to just see a butt coming out of a vent?..... y e a h .

Good thing no one came in.

You crawled in all the way, the cat wasn't in there anymore, it was probably at the other side already....

Fricking... cat.

You crawled all the way to the end and got met with another paw to the face. You expected it this time....

You actually got all the way out without falling-

Your ears went back up as you looked around...... it was another room..... but this one wasn't locked.

You looked around the room, it was another storage unit, you hesitated walking out the door.

The cat was staring at you, it looked like he was debating something.

It was odd this cat had so many human expressions-

It stood up and walked to you, you backed up a little.

It kept on following you until you were up against a wall. You didn't trust this cat....

It stopped and just stared at you for a second,

Then there was a puff of smoke.

You met the eyes of someone- not some cat....... but a person...?

Or a demon...?



Thanks for reading!!

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