Chapter three - Sleep tight

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You were walking down to a nearby river you had seen before, with a half naked boar man next to you.

Your tails wagged as you walked along the tree line. You spotted the river and ran over to it, boar man followed you.
( A/N :Yes he is boar man )

You squatted next to the river and put your hand in, it was freezing.

Meanwhile boar man was getting a running head start, he blew air out his nose before he jumped in at full force, "CANNONBALL!" He yelled.

"Eep!" You squealed as some of the cold water got on you.

He popped his head out of the water and snickered, you shivered.

"It's freezing in there! Get out!" You shouted,

"I don't have to listen to you, I do whatever I want!" He went under again.

You stood back up and tried to warm yourself,
"Hurry up if you won't get out!"

You saw bubbles and then him popping out from the water. One of his swords impaled two fishies. You couldn't wag your tails since they were wet but you were somewhat happy happy.

You tried to squeeze the excess water off your tails.

He got out of the water and shook it off like a dog- you quickly got out of the way,
"You're going to get a cold," You said simply

"No I won't!" He denied,

You stared at him for a second.....

He was an idiot.

"Uh Huh.... okay,"

You looked around for an area to start a fire, you saw a place that didn't have tall grass or anything to get in the way.

You walked over there quickly, with your tails dragging behind.

"Let's make a fire to warm up," You shivered again

Boar man followed you as you went to the area. He found some sticks and threw them on the ground, while you got some rocks and made a circle with them.

He had gathered more sticks than you both needed...... and was making a pile taller than you....

"Uh... you don't need to do that....?" You said confused,

"I can do whatever I want" he got more sticks.

".........." What an idiot.

You continued to make the fire only using like 1/20 of the sticks he collected.

He came over to you and dropped the fish on the ground,
"Watch this!" He grabbed to sticks and started rubbing them together at full speed.

Seconds later a fire was born...

He snickered victoriously and set the two sticks on the teepee of sticks.
(-Fire noises-)

He ran into the forest and you saw him come out with two logs to sit on... they were bigger than him.

"You didn't need to do that either..."

"Well I did"

You sighed in defeat as, clearly, there was no way to get this boar to understand. He sat them down and sat on one, you sat on the other and laid down.

He cooked the fishies and gave one of the cooked ones to you, you said a brief thanks then took it and started eating.

It was silent but it was a comfortable silence, the sun was setting and the stars were coming out.

He had finished his fish in half the time it took you, he was so fast about it you didn't even see his face.

You were curious,

What was he hiding under there?

You glanced over at him, he was looking up at the stars.

Then he looked at you and you both kept a stare before you got nervous and looked away.

You looked at the fire instead, although he was still staring at you.

He looked away and laid down on the bench, he stuck his swords in the ground next to him. You couldn't tell if he was sleeping or not.....

The fire crackled and glowed as the moon appeared in the sky.

"Goodnight," You awkwardly mumbled to him

After a few seconds you heard a subtle,

You hadn't really expected to stay with him this long, but it wasn't all too bad...

Thanks for reading!
Hope you enjoyed!

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