Chapter fourteen - Home sweet.... home?

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"T-this is it..." You said slowly.

It was huge! But that probably means there's a lot of demons....

"You can put me down now?" You were a little confused why he hadn't set you down,

not that you were complaining.

He hesitated but he still set you down.

Looking up at the warehouse made your ears fall, you had to admit you were a little scared.......

okay... really scared

It's basically asking demons to eat you, and you didn't really want to be eaten.

At least Inosuke was excited, a little too excited.

You slowly went up to the front door, you tugged in it but it wouldn't move. Then Inosuke went up to it,
"No no! You're going to make too much noise!" You tried to warn him.

But you were too late...

He kicked down the door, making the loudest noise possible.

"It wasn't that loud," He defended himself. You just stared at him.

He scooted away from your gaze and went inside, there weren't any demons. Wow-

You looked around cautiously before you stepped in, the place was messy, but it didn't look old.

No pieces of glass on the ground where the broken windows were, no cobwebs in the corners, just random furniture.

It was a big place, though it wasn't very open. There must of been fifty rooms there, you know with the three stories and all. It was well lighted at least.

Then you saw the hallways.

The lights flickered, which gave you the worst horror movie vibes.

You stood close to Inosuke justtt in case there was a jumpscare about to happen.

"Don't be too loud," You whispered to him, he nodded excitedly.

But the way that he stomped around made it seem like he wanted the demons attention.

You went though the hallway and opened a few doors, most of them were random storage rooms with boxes and such. Vents were in every room, even though they weren't very secured.

Then you opened a door that lead to an empty room with thin pillars inside. It was huge, yet it had no windows.

It was extremely dark.

You tugged on his pants to go the other way, he looked inside more closely, not listening to you.

"Come out demons!!!!" He yelled into the room, you started shushing him,

"Do you want to get us killed?!?" You whisper-yelled to him,

"They can't kill us!"

"Shut upppp!"

You tugged him out of the room quickly, he surprisingly followed,
"You said we could fight!" He complained,
"We only fight if they come to us and it's our only choice!"

He looked depressed. It made you feel really guilty for a second, your ears went down.

"Don't be sad..." You told him, " You'll get to fight.... just... not now-"

He brightened up and raised his swords up, you shushed him before he screamed.

You continued through the building, you got more comfortable and now you weren't by his side. You checked every room as he walked through the hall.

Then it happened, you started to smell something really weird. It was familiar in a way, but what was it?

Cat? No.... yes... no... yes? You couldn't tell anymore. You froze where you were, Inosuke was in the room next to you.

Your room had no windows, plus the light was broken. You sniffed the air, your ears lowered. You didn't like that smell.... it gave you the chills. You looked around some more.

Then the door closed,

And locked.

You looked at the door quickly and backed up, your ears lowered and so did your tails.

Oh god-


Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Not sorry for the cliffhanger!

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