Chapter sixty three S2 - Dreaming

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You shook him, "You nearly gave me a heart attack, you boar!!"

He chuckled, "I didn't mean to I promise!"

"I know you didn't..." You hugged him tightly. "We need to find a way to wake up Ceoko and Uzui," You said as you looked over at them.

"I say we slap them awake!" He wasn't about to lose this opportunity to slap a hashira.

"No... that won't work," You grabbed Inosuke hand, "... Douma came again...."

Inosuke squeezed your hand in anger, "he... WHAT???"

"Inosuke, don't yell, he didn't... do anything. He just came to warn me.... about whoever is causing these stupid dreams!"

Inosuke picked you up and got out of the seat. "Then let's go kill that demon already! Im tired of waiting!!"

"Then what are we going to do about them?!" You point at Ceoko and Uzui would laid sprawled out on the booth.

"The slapping idea is still an option," He mumbled.

Uzuis Dream
In his dream he was surrounded by three his wives, they were all playing together nicely.

He had no idea how he had gotten here but he didn't remember where he was before.

He continued to chase one of his wives, running through the water to watch her and splash her with water. His other two chased him, one of the jumped on his back, and then the other making him fall to the ground

They all laughed, yet it felt off, this wasn't there usual laugh. His smile faded as he looked around to where he was, he's never been here before.

Yet, something forced him to shrug it off.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" One of the ones on his back asked.

He shook his head and continued to stand up quickly making his two wives hold on tighter.

His third wife suddenly jumped on him too, they all continued to laugh. Till his dream faded to another.

He wasn't with his wives anymore, no he was standing with Rengoku and the rest of hashiras.

Rengoku looked at him with a smile, but strangely he knew that wasn't Rengoku. He knew something was wrong, this wasn't normal.

He backed up slowly to look at his surroundings. Obanai wasn't up in his usual tree, and not even the surroundings were the same.

This wasn't real, this was the work of a demon.

He thought to himself of how he would wake up, it would be hella risky but he had no other choice.

He looked at the sword that Rengoku held, and tried to snatch it. As he did Rengoku looked at him with a smile, "Don't do this,"
He said strangely cheerful.

He continued to snatch it and proceeded.

Just as Inosuke was about to body slam this fluorescent freak, he woke up and stopped the final blow.

"I'm up i'm up! Holy crap..." He spoke strongly.

"It worked!!!" Inosuke stood proudly.

"Well that's one... We still have Ceoko,"

"Ill just do the same thing, easy peezy," He shrugged.

"I don't think that's going to work this time," You said slowly, you had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn't going to be a normal wake up call.

Uzui held his hands on his neck, as of to make sure he was still connected to his body.

As you guys gathered around Ceoko the train cart began to shake, the lights flickered more.

You strengthened your stance as you looked around, Inosuke immediately went for his swords, so did Uzui.

Inosuke had the same grin on his face he usually did as he grabbed his mask to put it back on, battle mode was now activated.

As Ceoko laid sleeping on the table as you all prepared for a battle with whoever was causing these stupid dreams.

You didn't know how you would do it but you know you were going to win.

You have to.
Thanks for reading!!! Hope you enjoyed!

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