Chapter forty four - SEASON FINALE : monster

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Along the way you pulled out snacks and shared with everyone.

Inosuke was still a very messy eater but Zenitsu was the only one that seemed to care and.... they started arguing, which only made Inosuke chew louder.

You glanced at Tanjiro he was looking up at the sky and began slowing down. You looked up as well to notice a crow, a talking crow....

A.... talking crow...

You just stared at it with a extremely confused expression as it came down. It was talking about something about spiders or demons- and mountains.

Tanjiro seemed to understand it and turned towards you after seeing your expression. Inosuke ran at it, ready to attack it but you held him back.

"It's saying there's a couple of demons on a mountain we need to take care of," Tanjiro explained, Zenitsu didn't seem too happy...

You remembered their job, you wouldn't want to get in their way.

You looked at Inosuke who was behind you, he looked down at you. He didn't seem to care where you both went.

"Well... I don't know if we should go with you.... we're kind of looking for someone as well," You said, Inosuke nodded.

Tanjiro smiled, "I'm sure we'll see eachother again,"

You nodded with a smile, " Yeah! Be careful!"

He nodded, "You too," Zenitsu rapidly nodded from behind him.

You both waved goodbye, you watched them leave. Zenitsu was walking backwards and still waving, which made it a little awkward. It looked like he was about to cry.

Suddenly a smell entered your nose just as they were out of sight, you turned towards it. It was the smell of fresh blood.

You looked at Inosuke, " There's a scent of blood coming from that direction," You pointed right.

He picked you up suddenly and threw you over his shoulder, "Then let's hurry!!" He said excitedly and started dashing in that direction.

You let out a long yelp as you held on for your dear life.

Ceoko even let out a long and angry meow as the bag flew around, "DON'T  YOU DARE DROP ME, PIG,"

"IM A BOAR," Inosuke yelled back.

You just let out a sigh and smiled.

After a few minutes of them arguing, you had reached a opening to a destroyed town.....

The town... seemed familiar, Inosuke noticed it too as he quieted down.

You had been here before.... you just don't remember when.....

You got off of Inosuke and walked in, the buildings were demolished.....

Their were giant holes in the ground, everywhere.

Inosuke followed you in,

"What is it?" Ceoko asked slowly.

You didn't know how to respond to him.

At the end of the town there was a hill, that's where the scent was the strongest.

When you got up the pathway you noticed a tree surrounded in bushes, it was a cherry blossom tree......

It was pushed out of the ground with its roots and everything... the blood that you smelt was on this tree..

But it looked like nobody lived here anymore.... who did this? Whose blood was it?

You looked back at the town and your eyes widened.

Those weren't holes.....

They... were giant paw prints....

Your paw prints....

That's when a memory came back in flashes.

You remembered your father.... your mother

Your mother had left you.... your father was a horrible alcoholic, he hated you....

You remembered the tree... that cherry blossom tree.... where you met Inosuke...

You.... Inosuke he-

You also remembered those kids.... they called you monster.... everyday...

Inosuke stood up for you.... everyday...

But that one day...

He wasn't there.

They brought you in the woods, they had a knife. They said- they said- you'd be better gone

They were laughing

Laughing at you

You put your hands on your head in a desperate attempt to stop the memories, you fell to the ground and Inosuke ran over to you.

You couldn't take it anymore

You.... snapped.

Thats when you transformed....... you killed them

You are no better than a demon.

You killed your father.

You destroyed your town.

You killed everybody.

And then- when you saw Inosuke-

He had looked up at you.... in fear

You ran.

You ran far away.

He yelled something at you but you didn't care.

You couldn't handle it anymore.

You collapsed in the middle of nowhere and transformed back

Then there was a voice, "You poor girl... what happened to you?"


"Your friend seemed pretty sad back there... but don't worry I made it better," He smiled

"I can make it better for you too,"

You felt someone touch you, it wasn't Douma but someone else.

Then you woke up in that forest again.....

The memories stopped.

You looked over at Inosuke who had taken his mask off to try and help you, he was shouting your name.

Ceoko didn't know what was going on still.

You slowly looked at him, tears rolling down your face.

"I-I'm a monster,"

See you in the next season

And as always

Thanks for reading

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