Chapter twenty three - Sympathy

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He lead you to a long hallway you hadn't seen before, cat boy looked nervous. His ears were flattened down and he was walking a bit slow.

Something was off.

You slowed down as well, Inosuke decided to slow down next to you. The cat boy turned to look at you and Inosuke. He quickly turned away.

You kept on going through this hallway until you reached the end, cat boy stopped. He looked like he was thinking about something.

"I don't know...." He muttered to himself,

"You don't know what...?" You asked slowly, Inosuke looked just as confused as you.

"Why I follow Douma....." He responded slowly and quietly, this was the first time he had called him his name and not master.

Your ears perked up a bit, Inosuke looked at him like he was dumb,
"Then stop," He said.

"Then who do I follow?" He glared at Inosuke. Inosuke glared back-

"Yourself?" You added so there wasn't any more tension being built, there was already enough of that.

"That- I cant do that" He finally said, he started walking again.

Inosuke looked at you, you looked at him. Then you started walking, Inosuke quickly started as well.

You had a bad feeling about this....

Your ears fell again, you couldn't tell if there was a new smell or if it was an old one. It was the smell of demon, but this place was surrounded by them.

You hesitated in walking and then stopped.

You didn't like this, something was urging you to run away. Inosuke looked at you and stopped, cat boy kept on going.

He stopped to look back at you,
"Don't tell me you-" You didn't finish your sentence. You kept your mouth closed.

Cat boy looked away, his eyes were full of guilt.

You stepped back, Inosuke immediately drew his swords even though he didn't know what was happening.

You heard his voice from behind you,

It was Mc-Frickin Douma.

You turned around quickly, did Cat boy lead you to him- was Inosuke actually right about him being bad?!

You met eyes with Douma.

He had a smile on his face,
"Did you not hear me when I talked about the punishment?" He said, his voice made you shiver.

Inosuke ran in front of you, both of his swords were out. He was growling.

"Oh you even brought your boar!" His smile grew even wider as he clapped his hands together, his voice was so threatening yet his face didn't show it.

You took a step back, Inosuke didn't move though.

Cat boy was behind you, you looked at him. He met eyes with you, you could see the regret in his eyes, but he kept a straight face. He lost your eye contact and looked at Douma.

"Why do you have our guests Ceoko?" Douma asked with a smile.

"...." Ceoko glanced at you and looked away,
" I.... I found them trying to escape...." He lied.

Your eyes grew big,

*We're dead*

Maybe he won't kill you..... but Inosuke.... he would-

You didn't want to think about that, it scared you.

"And you decided to bring them back? Thank you Ceoko," His tone was off, like he could see through his lies, "You don't feel sympathy for them, do you?"

Inosuke growled as he looked at Douma and Ceoko.

Ceoko hesitated but he quickly hid his regret under his straight face. Though it was still there,
"" Ceoko finally said.

Inosuke glared at Ceoko but he didn't meet his gaze.

"Come stand by me, Ceoko." Douma said. Ceoko didn't move, he stood there frozen.

"Coco or whatever your name is!" Inosuke snarled out, " This is your last chance!"

You looked at him, " Inosuke what are you doing?-"

"Take Y/N and run!" He called out to Ceoko, Ceoko looked over at him, he had a hint of fear in his eyes.

"I'll deal with him!"

That was the last thing you heard from Inosuke.


It's corona timeeeee-

So I got two weeks off of school- maybe longer chapters? You'll never know.

Thanks for reading!

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