Day 40

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OK so I'm really tired and I already kind of meditated for tonight, but I'm gonna meditate for a few more minutes. Then I'm gonna try my method, I still need to figure out a name for it so if you guys have any suggestions leave those in the comments. But today I have been seeing the repeated angel number 111, which means that you're on the right path and I've seen it maybe eight or nine times today, and I've also been seeing the number 222 and I saw that three or four times and that one means that you should think of some thing you really want when you see the number. So whenever I kept seeing the number 222 I just repeated the phrase "I will shift" and I will just repeat it 10 to 20 times. But nothing really eventful other than that happen today, oh and I got bangs, which I've been wanting for a while and they're really cute, I think I'm gonna like them a lot more when the part finally realizes what I'm doing and that their bangs now instead of just having a part, so doesn't split down the side and I don't look like a offbrand girl version of Draco. But yeah I am going to go ahead and get to meditating and try and get to sleep and shift, so wish me luck.


So I'm just gonna be honest, after I meditated and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I passed out. I was out so quickly I really got about 10 or 15 of counting and I was out like a light and then I started dreaming but I don't even remember what my dream was about.

My reality shifting journeyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon