Day 39

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OK you guys are so incredible, I know what you last entry I said that I was incredibly thankful to have 8.77K reads and I just looked again and we now have 9K reads, so I just want it again thank you all so very much for sticking by my side through all of this. I am also thankful for all of you and I hope we can see to the end with each other.


All right so I've been listening to binaural beats meditation music for about an hour now and I read a little bit, and I also change my script because I realized I didn't like Fred As much as I thought I did. So I did a little digging on TickTock and discovered how much more compatible I was with George then Fred. Then I did a little more digging and found out there love languages and how they really are and just their personalities in general and I feel like I will be Way happier with George than I would be with Fred all the time. Because to be honest I feel like Fred could get a little annoying because people say he is not serious whatsoever even in serious situations. They also say that he's not romantic in anyway and kind of awkward, and I don't really want to be awkward and not have any romance between us. But on the other hand people were saying that George was a really romantic and not only will do funny things and play pranks with you, but he's also serious in serious situations and Will show his love for you in front of everyone, no matter who it is or what they think. And I was just thinking how I would be so much better off without Fred and with George, dating wise because I obviously love both of them or else I wouldn't be spending all this time to try and get to them just to be even friends with them. But I thought I'd share that with you guys. And my plan for tonight is to keep meditating for about 20 more minutes so that would be 2 AM, to where I'm not so tired to where I can barely keep my eyes open because I know as soon as I put my head on that pillow I'm gonna be out like a light. So I need to have a little bit of energy left so I can get to the end of my method. But I'm just going to do a little bit of yoga first and meditate then do my method and hopefully it'll work tonight. I do hope it will work because all day on TickTock I've been seeing the angel number 222 and I had done a little research on the angel numbers and what they mean and the number 222 means that you're in the right place at the right time and to think of what you want whenever you see the number and it will come true. And the other day I saw the number 111 and that Number is Encouraging you to keep following your spirit because you're on the right path. So yeah that's my goal for tonight, wish me luck!


OK so I didn't end up shifting, but I did have a crazy dream related to my DR, and it felt so real I swore whenever my dream started that I had shifted but not to Hogwarts. It felt so real but I know it wasn't a DR because I didn't wake up in it I was just sort of there if that makes sense. But yeah it was just kind of like I went to a private school in France, and Fred George an Hermione we're all there and Fred George and I were all really good friends. That's really all it was and we just went to classes together and had a bunch of fun, and then my mom woke me up because she's a buzz kill. But yeah that's all that happened last night.

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