Day 21

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OK so at least this time I remember to do my PT exercises, so I just finished watching a bunch of one of my TV shows that I watch, so I'm kind of like tired because I'm bored, so I'm gonna meditate then to the raven method again. I'm gonna try and count slower, I feel like I count too fast and it doesn't give it enough time for any symptoms to show up. So that's the only thing I'm doing differently, and I also tried a non-sleeping method today, I got nothing out of it. There was no signs that I was going to shift, no numbness, tingling, nothing. So I think it's safe to say that sleeping methods are working better for me than non-sleeping methods. So I'm gonna go on meditate I'm I'm gonna do the raven method, counting slower, so wish me good luck.
MORNING AFTER- so I actually did not shift, I fell asleep while meditating, but I did have a dream. My dream was that Fred and I were like married but there were also characters from like The Vampire Diaries, and Fred and I were vampires. It was kind of strange, but it was actually an enjoyable dream.

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