Day 33

353 4 16

All right so a little bit has happened over the past three days since the last time I journaled, I tried shifting everyone of those days and I feel like I am getting closer, but I'm still not exactly there yet so yeah. Also I wrote my entire script down onto paper so I could try the pillow method because people kept suggesting it to me and I was like hey since people keep suggesting that I do it and then it works for them, I might as well take the time and just write my script down. Yeah pictures and everything took around six hours in total. Which is a lot, considering I can't even write for five minutes for literacy and essays. So tonight I am going to trying the pillow method. I'm gonna research a little bit more about it, but I do know that people suggest that you look over your script and read it before you try and do it, so I'm gonna do that after I research it a little more. So wish me luck.

MORNING AFTER- I didn't really know exactly what I should be doing, I put my script under my pillow and naturally, I just started to repeat affirmations in my head, I don't really think that worked all too well. I might try mixing the pillow method and the raven method and see how that works, but other than that I did start to get some signs every now and then that I was about the shift, but I feel like I just need to detach from this world. I think I'm just still holding on.

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