Day 14

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OK so I've been listening to Music to get my vibrations as high as they possibly can go, so I'm gonna finish out my higher vibrations video, then I'm going to meditate and I'm gonna try a mix of the Alice in Wonderland and the raven method and this time I'm actually going to try to get to 100 because today is the perfect day to shift because it's a full moon, and on top of the full moon it's a harvest moon, which I am pretty sure it doesn't happen a whole lot I think it happens once a year or something like that, so the moon rays are very powerful and it'll be good for manifestation, astral projecting, and shifting. I've seen it on TickTock all day and I'm really excited, and I really really really hope I shift tonight because if I do tonight will be the perfect night to shift because of how powerful the moon is. I really wish I had a stone or a crystal that could help raise my vibration, I'll probably look it up and see what crystals do raise your vibrations and the vibrations around you, so I can get that and hopefully it'll be better for my shifting. So enough about that but tonight I'm going to be shifting draco, because I have not had the best day and I feel like if I can go to Draco and just be there with him and for him my day will become so much better, because a lot of things happen today that I saw through people, and I did have a little bit of a meltdown, so I'm not super excited and happy with my friend group because of what they did. I'm not going to say what they did because I don't know if any of them read this, probably not because they're pretty fake to me, so I just need to be there for someone and need someone to be there for me. So Draco will be the best person to be with in that sense and so will Harry, Hermione, and Ron, I know they would just all be there for me. So wish me luck.
MORNING AFTER- ok so I didn't end up shifting because I got so relaxed in my meditation, I just fell asleep and when I woke up, it was around 3AM so I didn't want to try and shift afterwards.

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