Day 26

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Ok so I have tried to shift twice since the last time I released a chapter, neither of them concluded with me shifting. It does feel like it is getting easier though. Ever since I added that every time I tried to shift shifting would get easier for me to do, shifting doesn't seem so out of reach. Today I have been drinking a lot of water and just relaxing as much as I can, I have started to notice in my day to day life that I'm a lot more calmer than I was before I started meditating constantly. I think that's probably a good thing considering I used to be over the top energetic, I'm still pretty energetic, so that hasn't changed, but I have gotten calmer. So I'm gonna go ahead and mediate and I'm going to try the raven method since I'm starting to get better at falling asleep in the starfish position, which is really good if you use that method. I have started this thing when I use the raven method where I just visualize Fred and George and all of the people I am friends with in my DR, and I imagine myself talking to them and having fun with them, just things like that. Then after I finish visualizing them when I reach 50, I shift my visualization to thinking about Hogwarts and visualizing the room I will wake up in, oh and I almost forgot, when I count in my head, I count with what I want my voice to be like in my DR with the accent and everything. Counting with the accent seems to be helping to start to shift my identity to what I want it to be when I get to my DR. I have also been feeling detached from my daily life, almost like I'm not supposed to be there. I know that sounds a little stupid considering that is exactly how a lot of people say you will feel when you are close to shifting, so that's a little exciting. But anyway, I'm rambling on, I am going to drink more water then I'm going to meditate and try the raven method again. Wish me luck!

MORNING AFTER-I didn't shift because I couldn't get Into the Unknown from frozen out of my head, even after I meditated. So I was just sitting there like "1...2...into the unknownnnn...3...4" and so on so forth. Which kinda sucks but it made it a little entertaining. I think tonight I'm just gonna sleep instead of trying to shift, so I'm gonna start doing 3 nights on to 1 night off. 

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