Day 23

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Hey guys XO I kind of forgot two journal of the past two days, but I have done shifting methods. None of them really worked, but I tried a new one last night I'm not gonna explain it right now though because I'm really tired I am in that's good for shifting as you guys now. I am sorry if I made a lot of grammar mistakes in there and when I typed already because I'm half asleep and I am too tired to go back and fix them. So I'm just gonna do my method that I was doing last night, because I had a bunch of signs and symptoms that I was going to shift, but I forgot to visualize and when I fell asleep at the end, I was visualizing enough and I just woke up here. So wish me luck
MORNING AFTER- hey guys I didn't work, I was really really really tired, so I kept getting distracted and not visualizing, so I just kept saying affirmations in my head over and over again until I fell sleep, but I didn't visualize whatsoever so I didn't work. There was still a possibility that I could work since I was repeating that I was shifting over and over again, but the chances were way slimmer. And I'm so sorry that my grammar and spelling in the first paragraph is super off and awful, I'm just way too tired and lazy to fix it.

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