Day 28

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OK so I've been doing nails for about three or four hours now and I'm starting to get bored, we just go because when I get bored I get tired. I think I'm gonna go ahead and do my like skin care routine and stuff, then I'm gonna manifest for a little bit, then I'm gonna watch some vampire diaries, just to get me a little bit more bored so I can fall asleep faster. But I think before I do all of that I'm going to finish chapter 3 of the other book I'm writing, because I had started it a few nights ago then forgot about it because I was tired. But yeah again if you guys haven't started reading that already, go read that because it's probably gonna be a really good book. So yeah I'll just update you guys as I go along with my manifestation, book writing, vampire diaries, just stuff like that because I think they'll be a little bit important. Not that important but a little bit. OK so chapter 3 of choosing sides is now up, at a whopping 3542 words. That is the most words I have written in a chapter. It's kind of hard for me to comprehend that when I write narratives and stories for my literacy class at school, if I have enough time my word count is usually around 10,000 words per narrative essay. And I think I have written close to, actually I don't know let me go add it real quick and I'm gonna see. OK so I added up all of the words and so far the book has 6,300+ words. Which is crazy when you think about the fact that I am shooting for 50,000 words, to have a chance to be a paid author. I know I'm not going to be able to be a paid author with that book, but it does show that I actually want to have a chance to be a paid author, so that's kind of cool. But I did spend about two hours finishing that chapter, so I'm really bored and now I'm tired. So I'm going to go ahead and meditate for a few songs, and try my hardest not to fall asleep this time. I'm gonna try the raven method again. So this is gonna be the last time you hear for me tonight. And tonight I don't think I'm going to read over my script since I got a lot of fat two days now and it kind of gets boring reading it over and over again. So instead of reading that I'm going to manifest in my notes That I will shift. So wish me good luck <3

MORNING AFTER-all righty, I think we can all guess what happened last night. Anyone want to guess before I say? Well too late because I'm gonna tell you anyway, I fell asleep meditating. AGAIN! I really feel like I need to find a different method for me in general, a sleeping method preferably for night time. If you have any suggestions on sleeping methods or even just methods in general, other than the pillow method, I would love to hear your suggestions. Because I really need some.

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