Day 31

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All right so I'm gonna read a few more chapters of my book and I'm gonna go to meditate then I'm going to try this other method this girl said she ended up shifting for the first time with, she said she was just looking at the ceiling for a really long time and thinking of scenarios and visualizing scenarios of her and Fred in the DR, and when she fell asleep and woke up she realized she was in her DR. She also said a good point, the script that you know how to tie a tie. I was like I used to know how to tie a tie, but I can't remember so I'm gonna go ahead and script it anyway. If I do end up shifting I'll only be gone for about 6 to 7 hours in my CR, I know that sounds like a lot, but for how long I was planning on staying when I got into my DR, that's a really short amount of time. I was telling myself that if I shifted, I would stay there I lived my entire life out, and I was kind of saying you know if I died around 90, I would be gone from my CR for roughly 6 to 7 days. I feel like part of me not being able to shift as quickly, is my brain is trying to comprehend that I will mentally be gone for seven days. It's crazy to think about when you sit here and think about it but it's kind of cool. Anyway I'm gonna get going and read a little bit more, oops I just scared my dog whoops. Yeah I'll get going so I can read a little bit more because my book is finally starting to get super super good, so I'm excited to see where this leads. So yeah wish me luck.

MORNING AFTER- I don't really remember what happened, or what I did, but I did not shift.

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