Day two

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Ok so I meditated in the bath and re-scripted. This time i scripted MUCH LESS than i had before so i hope this works more. I read more about shifting and it sounds like last night i experienced some of the things that happen when you're about to shift, but i stopped before i could fall asleep. i also made a little playlist of subliminals that i'm just going to put on repeat and listen to those while i do the raven method. i have a good feeling about tonight and i'm really excited to start falling asleep and then going to see if i can shift successfully. i made it this time where one month in the DR is 5 minutes in the CR and i made it to where in 24 months in the DR it reminds me to clap 4 times to get out and get back to the CR so wish me luck!
MORNING AFTER- Ok so when I went to start the method last night it was 9:30 PM and i started the method and listened to subliminals. I listened for what felt like a short amount of time maybe an hour, and i gave up because i couldn't fall asleep, then when i picked up my phone to turn off the video, it was 11:30-ish. i was completely in shock that time had flown that fast and i thought i was only laying there for about an hour. is this a sign that i'm getting closer to switching? i have no idea.

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