Day 18/19

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OK so last night I decided to try shifting again but I didn't log it in the chapters, so that was for day 18. I didn't end up shifting because I could not fall asleep to save my life, so I counted up lady two times to 100, and that was like Three or four hours in between each other, so I eventually just gave up and I eventually fell asleep around eight or 9 AM, so I'm super tired and a little bit annoyed that I could not fall asleep and it kind of affected my sleeping the rest of the night. But that's OK because tonight I'm on cloud nine I feel really good, my vibrations are high I can really tell, and I just released chapter 1 of my book I'm writing, so I'm super excited about that to get some readers. So if you guys are reading this right now make sure you do go read my other book that I'm Writing. But tonight I am going to go ahead and I'm gonna jump in the shower, it's like two in the morning so I'm gonna get a really quick shower because I need to wash my hair really bad. Then I'm gonna put on a live meditation music and listen to that for a few minutes just can I call myself down until I start to fall asleep, and if I do realize that I'm starting to fall asleep, I am going to just go ahead and start counting to 100. how I am visualizing, and it's really helping, Is from 1-20 I visualize draco and I was just kissing or hugging or something like that, then from 20-40 I imagine my house dry wake up in and my room that I wake up in, then from 40-60 I am Magine that my body is falling from the sky and it goes through the roof of my house in my DR and hits my DR's body and we merge into one person, kind of like the melting method, then from 60-100 I say my affirmations in my head between every number, I just say things like I am shifting, or I have shifted, or shifting is easy I am in my DR already. Just simple things like that and I'm just gonna go ahead and go now so I don't waste anymore time just talking to my phone, so I'll see you guys later, wish me luck!
MORNING AFTER- I am having rotten luck with falling asleep, and I'm starting to get kind of annoyed. I counted and everything, visualization went really well, I was having signs I was gonna shift, then I could not fall asleep. So I'm a little annoyed that I am getting a lot of sensations that mean you're close to shifting, then I can't fall asleep. I don't know what it is but I really hope it stops.

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