Day 30

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All right what's up my people? I hope you guys had A fantastic day today, and I hope you guys had a bunch of great and happy things happened to you today, if you didn't I am so so so sorry and I hope that you have a better one tomorrow. Anyway let's go ahead and get started into my little routine, so right now I am in a mix of energetic and partially asleep so if anything I am more energetic than asleep so I'm gonna do some thing that's going to make it a little bored and tired, which is read. I'll probably end up bringing Tanner so chapters and then I am going to meditate sitting upright so I don't fall asleep meditating like all my other times I did that. Then I am going to do the same method that I did last night a.k.a. the hug method. I'm really hoping that this one works because it's honestly kind of fun to visualize this happening, if you don't know what the hard method is, I described it in my day 29 morning after entry, so if you want to you can go and read that, if not it's OK you'll just get a better understanding if you do. Then as a reminder before I go, go follow my TikTok @octobercrown and go read my other book Choosing Sides! And as always I love you guys so much, and wish me luck for tonight! Oh also I forgot to mention, before I meditate and do all that stuff I'm going to try a non-sleeping method because I've been really wanting to try that because this girl on TickTock said it was starting to work for her, and when she was in the middle of doing it she kept hearing voices and she said she could tell distinctly who was talking to her from Hogwarts, as if they were right beside her, and she said she could tell us what he was telling her because it was that clear. And a lot of people in the comments said that they tried it and they got a lot of symptoms and got super close to shifting, so I want to try that one, I think what I'm going to start doing is I'm gonna try this non-sleeping method before I shift with my normal method, then during the day after I finish my schoolwork I'm going to try the non-sleeping method and keep practicing with that one too. Just wanted to tell you guys that because I knew I would forget if I didn't go ahead and say it.

MORNING AFTER- All right so half way through my meditation I started to kind of think you know I'm really tired so I don't know if I will really try and shift tonight since I am really tired, like emotionally and mentally tired. I think I'm getting closer so it's pulling more energy out of me every single time I do it. So when I got done with meditation I was like you know I think I'm too tired to focus tonight so I'm just going to kind of take the night off. While I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep I kind of creative scenarios in my head of my DR, because I saw people saying that that's how they shifted, they were just thanking about their DR when they fell asleep and then they woke up in it. I feel like there's a lower chance of you do that, but it's different for everyone so you never know.

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