Day 38

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Before we get started I just want to thank you all so much for 8.77K Reads, y'all don't understand how happy that makes me. Especially because I started this journal just as a way to help anyone I could who happen to find it, and I started this expecting not to get any reads, but no, that didn't happen because you guys are all so amazing and I couldn't of done this without y'all. I so hope that this reaches more people so hopefully more people will get a chance to shift and I hope to help anyone anyway that I can, because this is a little bit of a difficult process to stick through. But I really just wanted to say thank you all so much for your time and patience with me throughout this, and I'm just oh so thankful for all of you.


OK so before I go over my plan for tonight, I just want to say some of the things that have happened to me today. So I kept getting these videos popping up on my for you page of things like "I made _____ Number of videos, and the video that was first on your for you page was meant for you." And then it would be like Harry Potter soulmate edition and I got three of those videos, and all of them said that my soulmate was Fred. but along with that, I saw a video saying something like "what the Harry Potter guys smell like" and Fred was in the video, and I kid you not The girl said that Fred and George have one of the same scents, which is smoke or fireworks. And then of course if you were on Harry Potter tiktok, then you would see that this sound is trending on Shifting or Harry Potter TickTock right now, and it's supposed to allow you to smell someone from your DR. And I recorded myself doing it three or four times and I didn't smell anything, in about an hour later you'll never guess what I started smelling, I started smelling fireworks. And it's OK if you guys don't believe me, but it wasn't with every single breath that I inhaled, it was once or twice every five to 10 minutes, so it wasn't consistent. And I told my mom I was like "hey mom I think I'm getting close to shifting because I saw this video on TickTock saying what the Harry Potter guy smell like, and The girl said that Fred smells like fireworks or smoke. And there's also this trending sound that supposedly allows you to smell someone from your DR, and I tried it and it didn't work. But about an hour later I started smelling fireworks." And of course she didn't believe me because she's really skeptical of all of this, but she's slowly starting to open up to the idea of what I'm doing is completely safe and OK do, and it's not summoning anything or against our religion. But she was like "maybe you're just having phantom smells like I had that one time, your nose could just be kind of messed up." And I was thinking it's not my nose my nose is not messed up, I don't have any allergies at this time of year and I am not sick, and those are really how you get phantom smells. But I didn't tell her that because she probably just think I was lying, or maybe not but I'm still not believing that she really believes in this, she still thinks it's like lucid dreaming or daydreaming. I've tried to explain it to her multiple times and she kind of understands it but also still kind of pushes the thought out and says that it's fake. Which if you're reading this right now, you probably know it's real, and it's always OK to have some skepticism and have some doubts, but overall you probably believe that it's real because it is real. But enough of that I'm gonna go ahead and get into my plan, so I have already gotten ready for bed and brush my teeth and everything, so I am going to meditate and do some yoga and drink more water, because I saw that this girl saying that yoga really helped her focus her energies and make her a little happier before she shifted, and she said that's what she thinks she did to shift for the first time. So I'm gonna do some yoga, then I'm gonna meditate, then I'm gonna do my method. I still need to think of a name for my method, if you guys have any suggestions For what I should Collett, leave them in the comments, because I would love to see your ideas and thoughts. But other than that thank you guys for reading and wish me luck I'll hopefully see you in the morning, well if I don't update for a few days, maybe around 5-7 days, assume that I'm in my DR. 😉


All right so I accidentally fell asleep counting to 50, again I swear I'm gonna try and be better this coming time because I really want to try and get to the end of it because that's the only way I feel like all end up shifting. So yeah.

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