Day 12

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OK so it's about 12:30 pm And I just spent about an hour editing my home screen with the iOS 14 update, so I got really bored and started to fall asleep so I thought right now is a great time to journal and start meditating and try and start to sleep for shifting. Tonight I'm gonna try something a little different than I have, i'm going to try and keep meditating throughout the entire meditation video I watch which is about 20 minutes long, I usually do 11 to 12 minutes of the video because that's what he says if you want you can go ahead and come out of the meditative state and get back to your day-to-day life. So when he says that I just automatically come out of it in start trying to shift. I'm gonna wait the entire video and see if I can try and make myself anymore tired to see if it will help me shift better. I also saw this girl on TickTock say that if you're going to try and shift, Hogwarts should not be the first place you chef to because there's so many people and it's such a big reality that it's gonna take more time to shift there because it's like I guess forming everything and all the characters. I don't really understand but she said not to shift Hogwarts but I'm still gonna do it anyway because I'm a rebel, no I'm just joking. But I am still going to continue trying to shift a Hogwarts because that's what I really want I don't really want to shift anywhere else, except for Twilight because I love that movie and once I live out my Draco and Fred reality, I'm going to create a new script that I live the same life that Bella did in Twilight, but that's off topic. So yeah and I've been seeing a bunch of TickTock's of people saying that they've shifted and telling how Draco really is and it just makes me want to go even more because he sounds so cute and soft and sounds like he will give such a supportive environment, so I really want that. So I'm going to be shifting to Draco tonight wish me luck.
MORNING AFTER-OK so I was so tired that I actually forgot to shift or like try to shift, as soon as my head hit my pillow I was out like a light which would be the perfect time to shift, but I let it slip past me and I just fell asleep. But I think something did happen because I feel really drained of all my energy, so I'm going to try and listen to some vibration increasing subliminals today while I am doing some of my schoolwork. I might try again tonight but I might not it all depends on how tired I am, but if I'm tired it'll be good for shifting so I'll just have to think about it.

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