Day 42

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Um wow you guys are incredible, it was just the other day that I was thinking you guys for 7 or 8K and I went to check how many reads I was at, and we are now at 10.3 K reads, you do not know how happy I am about that especially since I started this expecting to get no reads whatsoever. So I just want to thank you all so so much for supporting and reading is this long series, I know it gets boring because nothing interesting is happening at all right now other than a few dreams here and there but I still I'm so grateful for everything you guys have done and I hope those numbers will be rising soon and we can grow the amount of people but this reaches so it will hopefully help at least one other person.


OK so since I'm already done everything practice choir and stuff I'm going to meditate and I am going to try and shift hopefully this time it will work. But also I saw this thing on TickTock it was like a method to try and help with detaching from your current reality, so I already went ahead and did that because I want to see if anything will help like that because I think that's the only problem is I'm really having right now, is detaching from my CR, so hopefully that helps. And also I've been seeing the numbers 111 and 222 everywhere and as a reminder the number 111 Means that you were on the right path and number 222 means that you're in the right place at the right time and to think of what you want. So again I think I saw this already but I don't know if I have some should I go ahead and say it again, when I see the number 222 I always affirm and say like I have shifted over and over again or something like I am in my DR just things like that. And also before I go, I just finished reading dear draco and oh my gosh was it an emotional roller coaster. I cried at least four times during the whole thing, and I started and finished it all in one night. I would definitely recommend reading it it is a little sad though, so be warned but overall is a great book. But yeah I will try and update in the morning so I remember everything that happened and it's just fresh on my mind come on so yeah see y'all in the morning or tomorrow night my update it again.


OK so some thing a little crazy happened last night, I didn't end up shifting but I did have a really weird dream. The dream was I was at this Disneyland type park, but it was for adults and not children. And it was like a video game. Now what would happen is it would put you in the game in a group of five, and each of you had to get through the levels together and if one person died everyone started it again from the beginning. And there was three levels that you had to get through. And I don't really remember exactly what the first level was but the second level, you had to jump from the platform onto these huge lily pads and avoid hitting the water because it was shark infested. And at the beginning before you jumped onto the Lillypad, they would give you a " shield potion" where you were safe from one shark bite, and if a shark tried to bite you the shield would break and you wouldn't have it anymore. And me being stupid, in my dream I thought "hey I'll be fine I'll just jump in the water and swim" but I wasn't and I found out that in that dream, I can feel pain. I don't have any of my other senses, other than pain. Which I just thought is A little weird that I could feel pain in my dream, but I feel like it probably means that I'm really getting close to shifting.

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