Day 45/46/47

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All right day 45, it's really late it's a school night and I am still up at 4:05 in the morning but it's OK though because I'll just chug an energy drink when I wake up. OK so I am going to meditate then I'm just going to try my method. Last night I did not have any luck because I fell asleep right after counting to 50. So wish me luck for the night. And also I'm combining these three days so I can get back up and have my number of entries correlate with the day so it makes it a little less confusing for me to enter the day.

Morning- I didn't shift 🙄


Day 46, I'm really tired and I just ate a snack so I'm i'm going to scam and read over my script and then I'm gonna meditate and then try my method. I'm still trying to think of a good name for it. But tomorrow I do only have two classes for school, so after I get done with those the rest of the day is just gonna be about focusing on myself and self care, and I'm gonna listen to some positive music and just kind of meditate all day and try and get my vibrations up and just build a positive energy around me. That's my plan tomorrow and hopefully that helps a little bit and just get me in the right headspace, because I don't really feel like I am in the right headspace right now to shift. But it still does not hurt trying. So yeah that's what I'm gonna do like my plan for tonight and tomorrow.

Morning- you know I don't even remember what I did, or what happened.


Ok Day 47, I really slept all day. I did not do a single thing and I join my choir class at 11:30 AM and didn't even do anything in it. Then I went back to sleep and woke up at 3:30 PM and did my class and started watching the Star Wars movies because I heard that Adam Driver was in them and I've never seen them before so I wanted to watch them. But now it is 3:33 AM, that's a coincidence last time I looked it was 3:30 and I just happened to look over and it was 3:33 Pretty cool if you ask me. But I'm gonna meditate a little bit then I'm going to just try my method. There's not really much of a plan for tonight, because I'm really tired I'm only gonna meditate for about 5 to 7 minutes, or around the time of two of my songs on my playlist. But I'm just going hope for the best. And I'm also going to try and start meditating at 12 AM and meditate for 30 minutes to an hour, because I saw this girl say that she was not able to shift until she started meditating for 30 to 60 minutes, so I'm gonna try that. Yeah yeah there's not really a whole big plan for tonight that's really all I'm gonna do.

I didn't shift 😝

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