Day 24/25

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So today is Day 24, I'm gonna come by Nees today so I can catch up with the number of chapters so I won't be confused all the time. I am just gonna keep doing it the way that I was doing it the other night, and I am pretty tired already so I don't think I'm gonna meditate. I might but I don't know. I'm gonna come by these two days and put the number at the top of the entry at night. I don't know why I just said that but I did so deal with it. I'm gonna be shifting to Fred, I've seen a bunch of TickTock's about Fred and how he is, so I'm getting very excited. Like to the point where I'm freaking out every time I think about him. It's an obsession, I will admit that, is it unhealthy? A little bit, yes. But do I care? Absolutely not. So wish me luck and I'll update you guys in the morning.
MORNING AFTER- so I did not shift because I could not fall asleep for the love of me, I ended up waking up fully at like six, because I was in a super late sleep and then someone messaged me and I didn't have my ringer off so it woke me up. Then I fell back asleep and I didn't even think about shifting to be honest. But I will try my best to do it tonight, I think I am just going to try again tonight but after tonight I'm gonna take a few days off to just get my sleep schedule back and check and try and raise my vibration. Because I think that's a really big part of it and I am not trying to raise my vibration at all, so I really need to try and focus on that for a few days.
OK so I am going to listen to some music to raise my vibration and just kind of relax until I feel tired enough to fall asleep, I've been texting someone online trying to get them on my best friends list on Snapchat, so I'm kind of getting a little bit bored, which makes me tired. So that's good but I am not gonna meditate, actually yes I am, I feel like that kind of affected me not being able to shift or as getting as many signs as I could. So I'm going to meditate first instead and then I'm gonna try my message again because I am actually feeling pretty confident about that. So wish me luck.
MORNING AFTER- I kept forgetting to update this chapter, but I think I remember kind of what happened. So I stayed up a little bit too late to the point where whenever I was finally tired enough to fall asleep I was too tired and I could not visualize to save my life. So I just kept repeating I am shifting in my head and it didn't work because I didn't visualize. But I'm going to try again tomorrow night a.k.a. Saturday night, because I've taken The last two days to just kind of get my sleep schedule back and check since school started back, and just work on raising my vibration.

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